Dicas de Penteados e Cortes de Cabelos

Hoje vamos dar mais uma dica de penteado e corte para cabelo

Dica do dia- Não faça isso

Será que voa??

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Tattoo- Tatuagem Criativa

Tattoo- Tatuagem muito criativa....

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Lan House ou Lã House??

Dicas de Lã Houses....

Acesse nosso blog da Lã Rause mais próxima!!!

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Gifs Animados engraçados

Alguns Gifs animados engraçados:

Fingindo agressão
Essa doeu muito

Dança FAIL
Ai meu saco

Tombo da Modelo

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BBB10- Inscrição para o BBB10 pela Internet

Inscrição para o BBB10 pela Internet se inicia em Agosto

Muito se comenta sobre o BBB10 e possiveis participantes, muitas pessoas já estão procurando como se inscrever e enviar vídeos para participar do BBB10, mas segundo grandes portais de notícias as inscrições para o BBB10 se iniciam em Agosto e o sistema vai ser igual aos BBB´s anteriores, olheiros em festas e eventos, através do site do 8P e inscrições pela internet e correios.

Não perca tempo e inscreva-se para Participar do BBB10

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Fotos, Vídeos e notícias do BBB10, resultados parciais dos paredões e muito mais.

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Fotos De Segunda- Parte 5

Fotos de Segunda- Vol 5
Todas as segundas-feiras 10 fotos curiosas e engraçadas:

Pênis maior
Frase do dia:
Ferrando com a esposa
Caixa eletrônico em Portugal:
Cachorro mais feio do mundo
Mapa-Mundi na maçã
Bolha de sabão
Ginastas Chinesas

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Clay Aiken Personifies 'Life Lessons'

ROLE MODEL -- Clay Aiken "walks the walk" as a successful entertainer committed to a myriad of charitable projects for children. Graphic by Amazing_CA, photo by toni7babe.

Philosophy 101: Life Lessons

Column Recalls Axioms of Clay

Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger ... Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does ... The best is yet to come.

How many times Clay Aiken fans have heard the singer or those close to him reiterate these axioms? "The best is yet to come," attributed to Jaymes Foster, producer, friend, and mother of their son Parker, has become a rallying slogan for fans anxious to hear the next career move.

With a host of food allergies, Clay has no connection to #10 and the worldwide majority's futile resistance to chocolate.

Sunday's sidestep into Philosophy 101 was jump started by my reading the September 2007 Life Lessons column by Regina Brett of The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, OH.

To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written. My odometer rolls over to 50 this week, so here's an update.

After almost two years, this popular column is still making email rounds and this weekend traveled through Clay Cyberspace via the message board route. As I read the list, I thought of Clay Aiken's commitment to children in need through projects with The Bubel/Aiken Foundation and, since 2004, as a UNICEF Ambassador.

I notice that some readers of the September listing suggested several more "lessons" in their comments. Hopefully, you will, too. Meanwhile, here is the starting point:

Life Lessons and 5 To Grow On

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.

18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: "In five years, will this matter?"

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.

38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

45. The best is yet to come.

46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

48. If you don't ask, you don't get.

49. Yield.

50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Regina Brett's column appears in The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, OH) on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. In April 2010, her "lessons" column will be released in book form: "God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours."

A breast cancer survivor, Regina can be heard on WCPN 90.3 FM, Cleveland's NPR radio affiliate. Click on
Regina Brett to read her latest columns.

PHOTO INTERLUDE: Below are clickables of recent graphics by Amazing_CA (1, 2, 3, 4) and Ashes, 5. Featured photographers are Scrpkym, 2, and Kareneh, 4.

As a CA fan, I recognize many more "life lessons" that have found their way into the singer's writings, interviews, and even his spontaneous remarks at live concerts. Some parallel my own road map and, no doubt, yours, too.

Below is a clickable of the opening graphic:

If you have "lessons" to add, please share them in your comments below. Have an awesome week, Clay Nation!


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A Era do Gelo 3- Irmã do SID

Encontramos a irmã do "SID" de A era do Gelo 3....

Separados no Nascimento

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Sibutramina- Reductil- Cloridato de Sibutramina

Muitas pessoas utilizam o Cloridato de Sibutramina para emagrecer, mas muitos não sabem os riscos de tomar um remédio para perder peso rapidamente e nem se preocupam em ler a bula do medicamento, hoje vamos falar um pouco da Subitramina e seus efeitos.

A Sibutramina é comercializada com o nome de Reductil ou Meridia e no Brasil pode ser encontrado nas dosagens 10 mg e 15 mg sendo vendido mediante prescrição médica e com retenção da receita.

Existem diversos sites e fóruns na internet que vendem a Sibutramina sem receita, o medicamento é controlado e o risco de complicações é alto, se pretende comprar consulte um médico e ele lhe indicará o medicamento se necessário.

A Sibutramina pode ser encontrada sob duas formas, sal anidro e "cloridrato monoidratado de sibutramina", sendo que a sibutramina anidra A não possui estudos clínicos de eficácia e segurança e tem origem desconhecida; portanto, a ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) proíbe a sua importação no Brasil.
Seu mecanismo de ação justifica a inclusão da sibutramina na categoria dos medicamentos inibidores seletivos da recaptação da serotonina e norepinefrina. Desta forma, a sibutramina se diferencia claramente das outras categorias de agentes capazes de reduzir peso.

A Sibutramina é indicada no tratamento de obesidade e redução de peso, deve ser utilizada em conjunto com a dieta e exercicios físicos.

- Pacientes com hipersensibilidade a qualquer componente da fórmula
- Pacientes com histórico de Anorexia e Bulimia
- Conhecimento ou suspeita de gravidez
- Durante a gestação e lactação
- Hipertensão Pulmonar

Efeitos Colaterais
Aumento de pressão, taquicardia, palpitações, vasodilatação, constipação, perda de apetite, xerostomia, dor de cabeça, insônia, parestesia, lombalgia, náusea, dispepsia, sudorese, alteração do paladar, dismenorréia e alterações visuais

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Emprega São Paulo- Cadastro de Vagas

Oportunidades de Emprego Grátis

O site Emprega São Paulo já tem mais de 1.400.000 candidatos cadastrados e 600 mil vagas disponíveis, não perca tempo e entre sempre no site para ver as vagas de emprego abertas, existem mais de 35 mil empresas com uma oportunidade de trabalho esperando o seu contato.

Todas as vagas disponíveis e cadastro de currículo são grátis

Visite o site do Emprega São Paulo e cadastre o seu currículo.

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Carro pela metade do preço

Aproveite a oferta e compre esse lindo carro pela metade do preço.....

Liquidação assim você nunca viu!!

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Fotos de Miley Cyrus- Hannah Montana

Fotos da atriz Miley Cirus

Miley Ray Cyrus (16 anos) ou simplesmente Miley Cyrus é uma atriz adolescente americana que ganhou destaque internacional interpretando Miley Stewart em Hannah Montana

Quer ver mais fotos da atriz Miley Cirus- Clique Aqui

Miley Cyrus- 1
miley cyrus Pictures, Images and Photos

Miley Cirus- 2
Miley Cyrus Pictures, Images and Photos

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Humor com Bananas

Loira Burra


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Piadas- Michael Jackson...Humor Negro ou branco??

Piadas do Michael Jackson

Após a morte de Michael Jackson rola na web algumas piadas de humor negro (ou branco) sobre a morte do cantor, veja algumas frases e piadas curtas:

- Rubinho acaba de saber sobre a morte de Michael Jackson
Sempre o último a saber....
- Filme sobre a vida de Michael Jackson será filmado em preto e branco

- O que perguntou Michael Jackson para São Pedro quando chegou ao céu??
Onde está o menino Jesus???

- Michael Jackson: Nasceu preto, morreu branco e virou cinza
- Causa da morte de Michael Jackson:
Morreu engasgado com um pé de muleque

- Michael Jackson não morreu
Voltou para a terra do nunca

- Michael Jackson que morreu a 10 anos faleceu hoje

- Notícias do além: Clodovil está eufórico com a vinda de Michael Jackson

- MJ não morreu, isto é apenas uma estratégia de marketing
No velório ele levantará e dançará Thriller com os Zumbis

- Michael Jackson come menina veneno de Zezé di Camargo e Luciano e morre

- Veja fotos de Michael Jackson no Fotos de Famosos
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Vende-se casa com urgência....

Vende-se esta linda casa
Ótima localização, vizinhança calma e ótima vista do quintal.....

Único dono!!!

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Quando o casamento esfria.....

O que acontece quando o casamento esfria......

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Causa da morte de Michael Jackson não foi esclarecida

Morte de Michael Jackson
Últimas notícias

O corpo do cantor Michael Jackson que morreu após sofrer uma parada cardíaca na tarde de quinta (25/06) passará por uma autópsia ainda hoje para determinar a causa da morte do cantor, além da parada cardíaca a injestão de remédios em excesso não está descartada.

Em declaração pública no hospital a que Michael Jackson foi levado, em Los Angeles, o irmão do cantor Jermaine Jackson, disse que uma equipe de médicos do Centro Médico UCLA passou uma hora tentando ressucitar o rei do pop.

Jermaine confirmou que os bombeiros encontraram Jackson com uma parada cardíaca, mas disse que ainda não se sabe o que causou isso. "Nossa família pede que a mídia respeite nossa privacidade ness momento difícil."

Acompanhe as últimas notícias sobre a morte de Michael Jackson:

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Clay Aiken Virtual Tour Rewinds JNaT

HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS -- Clay Aiken celebrating the finale of the Joyful Not a Tour with a performance in Greensboro two days before Christmas 2006. Photo by Shine in NC.

Christmas in June

Music, Fun, Culture Define JNaT

With recent news that Clay Aiken will pen a Christmas book, the Carolina blog's "virtual tour" bus hit the road for a look back at the musical, comedic, and educational highlights of the December 2006 Joyful Not a Tour.

IN REMEMBRANCE -- With grateful acknowledgement for the music and life of Michael Jackson (1958 -2009), thoughts and prayers are with family, friends, and fans of the King of Pop.

Memorable vocals are a given when Clay & Company are on stage. The singer's genuine gift for bantering with audiences assures spontaneity, humor, and grins. The educational segments of the holiday symphony tour were Clay's nightly lessons of "fancy Eye-talian" musical terms.

To relive the three-week tour, start with the first of Chardonnay's "Best of NACT Banter" montages. After viewing the opener, link to all 12 NACT videos at her YouTube Channel. The initial montage merges videos by Scarlett and jojoct from the Waukegan and Merrilville concerts.

Best of NACT Banter, Part 1 - Montage by Chardonnay

Snow Greets Tour Opener

Winter storms arrived in the Midwest for the opening curtain; but Clay, musical director Jesse Vargas, and the touring crew were soon treated to more pleasant weather as the entourage made their way up and down the eastern seaboard Dec. 1 - 23, entertaining audiences on many levels.

Cousin Jamie Displays Word
Clickable by Cotton

Throughout the 2006 holiday tour, Clay returned to the classroom and taught fans a new musical term at each concert. The performances were beamed throughout Cyberspace, so the nightly lessons benefited fans in the theater as well as those listening at home.

The 18 musical terms introduced to JNaT audiences are listed below. With few exceptions, Clay's cousin Jamie walked across the stage holding up a sign bearing the name of the evening's "Eye-talian" term.

CAROLINA CROONER -- Clay dazzled the Greensboro audience and symphony musicians during the final JNaT concert. Photo by xxx4clay.

Violinist Shares Backstage Scenes

Since Greensboro is home base for me, I have played gigs with several of the symphony members performing in the final concert. The morning after the concert I talked with Jean, a violinist, about the orchestra's interaction with my favorite singer.

According to my friend, the Greensboro musicians really enjoyed working with Clay, who was "personable, professional, and lots of fun" during their rehearsal and dinner.

He arrived in last half hour of the rehearsal and started singing where they were, checking sound and warming up. "He was very involved with the orchestra and sang to us during the rehearsal," she said.

My friend was surprised to learn the concert was beamed via cellcert throughout the US and Canada. As with most orchestras, Greensboro's JNaT audience was definitely out of the norm for symphony musicians.

Orchestra Players Pick Term

During dinner, Clay explained about the "musical term of the night" and asked for the orchestra's assistance in choosing an unusual definition. Every word they suggested had been used. Jean even knew about the "made up" term at the West Point Concert. When concertgoers began bringing music dictionaries to look up correct answers, Clay and crew "created" a term.

Talking amongst themselves, the Greensboro string section came up with flagioleto or flagioletto, which means "playing overtones with a slide touch of the string in the points where it is divided in two, three, and four equal parts." In the music, this is indicated with an "o" over the note.

A more recognizable description might be "playing harmonics." Basically, this happens by barely pressing the string while bowing versus firmly pressing the string on the fingerboard and bowing. The violin section demonstrated both sounds very effectively.

As with all concerts, Clay plugged the Greensboro Symphony's next performance, which was slated for Dec. 31. "What are you doing New Year's Eve?" he hinted to the local audience. "I'm not singing, just asking," he quipped, referencing the popular track on his 2004 Christmas CD, Merry Christmas With Love.

PHOTO INTERLUDE: The JNaT's final leg escorted Clay home for the holidays. Clickables from the tour's closing concerts are by photographers xxx4clay (1), All4Clay (2), Simonncharge (3), and ClaysCharlotteGirl (4), Greensboro; PinkCocoa/Ztilb (5, 6), Charlotte; and Clayzthe1, Norfolk, when Clay danced with his mother while singing "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?" (7).

JNaT Terms Educate Audiences

Musical terms for the nightly pedagogical segments of the 2006 tour are listed below. How many do you remember?

1. CRESCENDO (Merrillville) - Soft to loud.

2. DECRESCENDO (Merrillville) - Loud to soft.

3. FERMATA (Verona) - Held note.

4. SFORZANDO (Engelwood) - A sudden burst of sound on a chord.

5. TREMOLO (Baltimore) - Tremble; a string player shakes his bow reeeeaaal fast on the string for effect such as in scary music. Another set of definitions: (a) A tremulous effect produced by rapid repetition of a single tone. ( b) A similar effect produced by rapid alternation of two tones. A tremolo performed on a piano would be two notes one octave apart played in rapid succession, i.e., low E high E low E high E.

6. PIZZICATO (Norfolk) - I-talian (™CHA) term meaning "pinching." It is used for string instruments to indicate that the strings must be pinched instead of playing with the bow.

7. COL LEGNO (Williamsport) - "Playing with wood"!!! Bwah!!!

8. PONTICELLO (Wilkes Barre) - Playing close to the bridge of a stringed instrument

9. GLISSANDO (Easton) - Rapid scale passage produced by sliding over keys or strings, e.g. piano, harp, violin, trombone.

10. BISBIGLIANDO (Hartford) – Whispering, i.e., a special tremolo effect on the harp where a chord or note is rapidly repeated at a low volume. A fluttering of the strings of the harp.

11. FLUTTER TONE (Greenvale/Long Island) -- Jaimie's sign showed 'flutter-tone,' but the terms dictionary had 'flutter-tongue.' In wind instruments, a "coloristic" effect produced by the performer rolling "R" sound while playing.

12. MALLANCAZZIO (West Point) - Playing with the mouthpiece only. (The night of the MADE UP term!)

13. RALLENTANDO (RAL-lin-TAHN-doe) (Red Bank) - A directive to perform a certain passage of a composition with a gradual slowing of the tempo

14. SCORDATURA (skor-dah-TOOR-rah) (Detroit) - The practice of tuning the strings of a stringed instrument differently than the standard tuning. Scordatura is generally used to extend an instrument's range, or to make certain passages easier or more possible to perform; it is also used to achieve certain special effects. Scordatura was popular between 1600 and 1750, and is used rarely now.

15. MARCATO (Grand Rapids) - With strong accentuation, strongly accented.

16. SALTANDO (Jacksonville) - Proceeding in leaps or skips. In bowed string playing, a saltando is a technique of bouncing the bow across the strings, producing a rapid, staccato arpeggio.

17. TACET (Charlotte) - Don’t Play. An indication in the music that a performer is to be silent for some time. Typically, for an entire section or movement of a composition.

18. FLAGIOLETO (Greensboro) - Playing overtones with a slide touch of the string in the points where it is divided in two, three, and four equal parts. In the music, this is indicated with an "o" over the note. A more recognizable description might be "playing harmonics." Basically, this happens by barely pressing the string while bowing versus firmly pressing the string on the fingerboard and bowing. The violin section demonstrated both sounds very effectively

Hope you enjoyed the JNaT rewind. No doubt, we will hit the virtual tour trail again; so keep your bags packed.

Have a great weekend, Clay Nation!


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