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Fotos- As Melhores Praias do Mundo

Separamos para você leitor uma seleção com as fotos das 10 melhores praias do mundo, agora é só arrumar as malas e viajar, veja as fotos e informações abaixo:

Praia na Tailândia
Foto do Hotel Sonesta Kiri- Maiores informações sobra a Tailândia aqui.

Praia de Hermanus- Africa do Sul
Na praia de Hermanus é possível observar as baleias- Veja mais fotos aqui.

Praia na Croácia
Possui um litoral de águas cristalinas que é ideal para esportes náuticos- Maiores informações aqui.

Praia de Bora Bora
Em Bora Bora é garantido mar azul das mais diferentes tonalidades e uma natureza exuberante que deixa qualquer um de queixo caído. É destino dos sonhos para uma lua-de-mel- Maiores informações aqui.

Praia de St. Barths ou São Bartolomeu
A Ilha Caribenha de São Bartolomeu oferece uma das melhores redes de hotéis do mundo- Maiores informações aqui.

Praia na ilha da Tasmânia
Ilha situada ao sul da Austrália, ideal para aventureiros- Maiores informações aqui.

Praia de Fernando de Noronha
Considerada por muitos uma das melhores praias do Brasil, Fernando de Noronha não poderia deixar de figurar nesta lista- Maiores informações aqui.

Praia de Ibiza- Espanha
Praia ideal para os baladeiros de plantão, possui diversas casas noturnas que irão agradar a todos os gostos- Maiores informações aqui.

Praia de Tarifa- Espanha
Na praia de Tarifa você encontra amplas praias quase desertas, ali onde o Mediterráneo vem encontrar o Atlântico- Maiores  informações aqui.

Praia de Key West- Flórida
Retiro de artistas e intelectuais, possui lindas residências em toda a sua costa- Maiores informações aqui.

Fonte Fotos- Terra

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Clay Aiken Campaigns for Rights

HRC video of Clay Aiken courtesy of Pam's House Blend.

'It's About Damn Time'

Singer Speaks at 2010 HRC Gala

Clay Aiken's speech at the Human Rights Campaign Carolinas Gala in Raleigh Saturday was eloquent, passionate, and even sprinkled with his trademark humor as he outlined the long, arduous path preceding major civil rights milestones, most often achieved after "it was about damn time."

This was not a pop concert appearance, but several of the singer's supporters attended the event and a cellcert was beamed to fans around the globe.

For sure, the title of the speech is the line Clay reiterated throughout about the personal and civil rights segments: "It's About Damn Time."

To me, one of the most moving lines occurred when he discussed a person's decision to come out: "I know that the power of truth and living honestly is very liberating."

The video of Clay's speech is from Pam Spaulding's blog,
Pam's House Blend. A North Carolinian, Pam provided a running commentary of the HRC gala in her House Blend blog. The other keynote speaker was actress-producer Meredith Baxter, whose speech is also cued on the opening player.

Sendspace downloads of Clay's speech are available in video and audio formats.

Clay and Pam Spaulding at HRC Gala.

Clay addresses HRC Carolinas meet. (Photo by Cotton)

Meredith Baxter poses with Pam Spaulding.

Achievements of the organization's Equality Award honorees -- Greensboro's Guilford Green Foundation, Mary Elizabeth Lennon of Charlotte, and David Parker of Colfax -- are published here.

Speech Outlines Civil Rights Milestones

Clay's speech was not long. These are among the highlights:

We've seen throughout our nation's history that all the major civil rights movements, major milestones in our country have come after a lot of waiting and a lot of hard, long-fought work.

Thankfully, while many of us have been waiting, you at the HRC have been fighting to ensure that LGBT Americans have the same rights that straight Americans take for granted.

As HRC's name implies, our battle is about something much larger than the LGBT community. It's about that most American of notions that all men and women are created equal. (That is, with the exception of my son, who is brilliant.)

The belief which this nation was founded on is the cornerstone of our movement; and, as I said, it has been the cornerstone of every major civil rights movement in our nation's history.
  • In 1920 when the 19th amendment was passed which gave every American woman the right to vote, it was about damn time.

  • In 1954, Brown vs. Board of Education desegregated our schools. It was about damn time.

  • In 1964 when the Civil Rights Acts was passed banning discrimination based on race, religion, national origin, it was about damn time.

  • And last year when the Matthew Shepard and James Berg, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act was passed, it was most certainly about damn time.
The LGBT community has seen and obtained unprecedented visibility and legitimacy in America. We have a great deal more work to do to ensure that LGBT individuals and families have the same rights and same freedoms that straight Americans have.

I know that my son's world will be a better one because no one no matter how hard they try, they are not going to stop our progress.

And like those civil rights movements that came before, our message is the message of fairness, of righteousness, of decency. Our message is the message of the future. Our time is now, and it is about damn time.

Cotton, who generated the feed so fans could listen to the speech as it occurred, added this observation:

At the HRC Gala last night, I saw a room filled with people who were full of love. It was a very hopeful evening of celebrating progress and fighting for what everyone wants - the right to live and love equally. I'm so so honored to have been there.

Below are clickables of Cotton's podium photo and a collage of her HRC pictures by Fountaindawg:

Have a wonderful week, Clay Nation!

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Edward Burne-Jones at Museo de Arte de Ponce

I am an avid adherent of serendipity and am always thrilled when it takes place in my own life. This past week, I had a wonderful moment--more like a half hour--of serendipity when I visited the Frist Center here in Nashville. The Frist is an exhibition museum, featuring two to three traveling exhibits at a time. The most recent just opened last weekend, Masterpieces of European Painting from Museo de Arte de Ponce. Imagine my delight when I learned it included three Briar Rose paintings by Edward Burne-Jones.

I never expected to see these paintings in person seeing as how they are usually in the Museo de Arte de Ponce in Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is not on the top of my dream vacation spots--nothing against it, there are just other places I want to see more. And up until this week, I didn't know that these three paintings were even there, usually.

They were fittingly displayed side-by-side on the last wall of the last room of the exhibit. I had already had a preview since I had been upstairs to see the Greek exhibit first. But by the time I had explored the entire exhibit and found some other beautiful pieces, I was ready to visit with these three paintings for a good fifteen minutes. I stood in front and studied them. I stood back and observed them. I sat on the long bench and enjoyed the entire effect of all three.

I realized these were not the ones I have seen the most often on my own site and the web. I grew more and more curious, too. I am still investigating all of the many Burne-Jones Sleeping Beauty/Briar Rose paintings. There is not enough information to help through the sources I've investigated. Some of it is even wrong, imagine that. But I do know for a surety that these three paintings are from earlier in Burne-Jones' career, painted in 1871.

I also know they are exquisite. From across the room, the first impression is of three tapestries thanks to the bright pink briar roses floating throughout all three paintings. When one approaches them, you can see details that are nearly invisible if not completely so in the reproductions. The horror, awe and fear on the Prince's face are very real. A ruby ring, very bright, shines on the king's finger. The strings on the lute in the bottom right hand corner of the Sleeping Beauty panel are all snapped and tangled. One also notices the plant with roses not in bloom yet on the right edge of the king's panel, foreshadowing what will be seen in the next one with Briar Rose.

And so, without further ado, the Briar Rose panels by Edward Burne-Jones, currently on exhibit in Nashville, but usually only found in Puerto Rico. Look carefully, for they are not the ones most often seen around the web, especially the king's court one. These are softer focus and more romantic than the later panels he painted of the same subject.

Tip: If you click on the image, you can see a slightly larger and fuller version since Blogger cuts off the right edge to size them for this blog template.

The Prince Enters the Woods, 1871

The King and His Court, 1871 (I didn't find this one represented anywhere on the web although there are a few others by Burne-Jones of similar composition. This one is my favorite because for one thing the king is dressed in bright red.)

The Sleeping Beauty, 1871

You may compare these with the ones I have posted on SurLaLune.

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Black History Month: More Folklore and Fairy Tales

I completely dropped the ball on Black History Month and sharing more titles. I know Black History Month itself is controversial these days, but I have no problem using it to find inspiration for sharing African American and African folktales and fairy tale collections. After all, I also have big plans for Women's History Month in March, so stay tuned.

Anyway, I made a Listmania list near the beginning of the month on Amazon: Black History Month: Folklore and Fairy Tales for easy reference of titles although I only managed to feature two of them this month. (It's been an even more insane month for me than usual away from this blog. I'm just happy I've managed to post every day despite everything!)

Here are five more titles culled from the list of particular interest to the armchair reader as well as scholars:

The Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Folklore: Three Volumes edited by Anand Prahlad

Here is Booklist's Starred Review for it:

Intended for "students, scholars, writers, and the general public," these volumes cover African American folk traditions in the Caribbean and North, South, and Latin America. The multidisciplinary nature of folklore studies is reflected in the list of 140 or so primarily academic contributors, whose areas of expertise include art, literature, anthropology, religion, and more. Editor Prahlad is a professor of English at the University of Missouri, Columbia.

Some 700 alphabetically arranged entries, varying in length from around half a page to 10 pages, make fascinating reading on topics as diverse as samba, the Sea Islands, sermons, Tupac Shakur, Stagolee, and the steel pan drum. Entries cover "the most important narrative and nonnarrative genres and motifs, major scholars and works, representative artists, key groups, and critical historical and theoretical concepts." The "Guide to Related Topics" presented, along with an alphabetical list of entries, at the front of each volume groups entries under nearly 20 broad topics, among them "Groups, Places, Regions" ( Barbershop, The; Ghetto; Gullah; Rio de Janeiro); "Material Culture" ( Dreadlocks, Gris Gris, Quilting, Soul food); "Music" ( Big drum ceremony; Blake, Eubie; Delta blues; Rap); and "Religion, Spirituality, Belief" ( Ashanti; Islam, Nation of; Preacher tales; Testifying). There are entries for a number of countries, among them Brazil, Haiti, and Uruguay. Other than South, The, there is no specific entry for the U.S. Article text is accompanied by occasional black-and-white illustrations and by sidebars containing folklore excerpts. In addition to the further reading lists attached to each entry, the reader will find a selected bibliography arranged by topic in volume 3. Also in volume 3 are a state-by-state appendix of archives, folk-art programs, and other resources and an extremely detailed index.

The fact that more than 100 entries are devoted to scholars and collectors, among them Imamu Amiri Baraka, Zora Neale Hurston, and Melville Herkovits, supports a statement Prahlad makes in the introduction. The encyclopedia seeks "to provide a significant overview of the current study of African American folklore" rather than simply define genres and themes. This goal, plus some scholarly language, makes it most appropriate for students at the undergraduate level and up, although there's plenty of content that would draw high-schoolers as well. This "first comprehensive general reference work" on African American folklore is highly recommended for academic and public libraries.

Every Tongue Got to Confess: Negro Folk-tales from the Gulf States by Zora Neale Hurston

Publishers Weekly Review:
Although Hurston is better known for her novels, particularly Their Eyes Were Watching God, she might have been prouder of her anthropological field work. In 1927, with the support of Franz Boas, the dean of American anthropologists, Hurston traveled the Deep South collecting stories from black laborers, farmers, craftsmen and idlers. These tales featured a cast of characters made famous in Joel Chandler Harris's bowdlerized Uncle Remus versions, including John (related, no doubt, to High John the Conqueror), Brer Fox and various slaves. But for Hurston these stories were more than entertainments; they represented a utopia created to offset the sometimes unbearable pressures of disenfranchisement: "Brer Fox, Brer Deer, Brer 'Gator, Brer Dawg, Brer Rabbit, Ole Massa and his wife were walking the earth like natural men way back in the days when God himself was on the ground and men could talk with him." Hurston's notes, which somehow got lost, were recently rediscovered in someone else's papers at the Smithsonian. Divided into 15 categories ("Woman Tales," "Neatest Trick Tales," etc.), the stories as she jotted them down range from mere jokes of a few paragraphs to three-page episodes. Many are set "in slavery time," with "massa" portrayed as an often-gulled, but always potentially punitive, presence. There are a variety of "how come" and trickster stories, written in dialect. Acting the part of the good anthropologist, Hurston is scrupulously impersonal, and, as a result, the tales bear few traces of her inimitable voice, unlike Tell My Horse, her classic study of Haitian voodoo. Though this may limit the book's appeal among general readers, it is a boon for Hurston scholars and may, as Kaplan says in her introduction, establish Hurston's importance as an African-American folklorist.

The Girl Who Married a Lion: and Other Tales from Africa by Alexander McCall Smith

Publishers Weekly Review:
Straying from the safety net of a bestselling series (The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, etc.), Smith tells 40 traditional African folk tales with his by now signature humor, simplicity and reverence for African culture. With an introductory letter from No. 1 Lady Detective Mma Ramotswe as a preface, he sets the literary stage for a nostalgic stroll down his own personal memory lane. Born and raised in what is now Zimbabwe, Smith began collecting these stories as a child and combines them with several he gleaned from a friend who interviewed natives of Botswana. Many of the stories parallel classic Western tales, from Aesop to Mother Goose. The ubiquitous wolf-in-sheep's-clothing fable becomes a parable about a girl who unwittingly marries a lion. Other stories deal with familiar themes ranging from ingratitude (in "Head Tree," a man cured of a tree growing out of his head does not pay the charm woman her due) to vanity (in "Greater Than Lion," a hare outwits a conceited and boastful lion). However, many are uniquely African, such as the stories that explain why the elephant and hyena live far from people or how baboons became so lazy. These are pithy, engaging tales, as habit-forming as peanuts.

Favorite African Folktales by Nelson Mandela

Publisher's description:
The vibrant tradition of African folktales—an oral heritage that predates Ovid and Aesop—is long and varied, but to date it has been largely overlooked in the West. Aware of this gap, Nelson Mandela selected thirty-two stories, many of them translated from their original tongues, to show the seminal role of African folklore in world literature. We meet tricksters from Zulu folklore; we hear the voices of the scheming hyena and learn from a Khoi fable how animals acquired their tails and horns. These fables present a veritable bible of stories "universal in their portrayal of humanity, beasts and the mystical."

African Genesis: Folk Tales and Myths of Africa by Leo Frobenius and Douglas C. Fox

Recorded in the early 20th century by an eminent anthropologist, these entertaining tales reflect the geographic and cultural backgrounds of their narrators. They range from Kabyl creation legends of the Berbers to ballads of the southern Sahara and the humorously exaggerated Improbable Tales from Sudan. Enhanced by illustrations adapted from prehistoric rock paintings, and by portraits of 20th-century Africans, this volume is of immense value to students of African culture as well as readers of folklore and mythology.
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Piadinha de Loira

Uma loira queria falar com a mãe, que estava na Alemanha, e foi aos correios para fazer a ligação.
Como o responsável a informou que a ligação custava R$3,00 o minuto e
ela não tinha dinheiro, disse que faria qualquer coisa para poder falar
com a sua mãe.
O homem perguntou :
- Qualquer coisa?
- Sim, respondeu ela.
- Acompanhe-me até a sala ao lado.
Ela foi. Chegados lá, ele disse:
- Ajoelhe-se!
Ela ajoelhou.
- Abra o fecho das minhas calças!
Ela abriu.
- Tire-o para fora.
Ela tirou e segurou-o entre as mãos.
O homem disse:
-Pode começar.
Ela aproximou-o da boca e falou:
- Estou... mãezinha... A Sra nem imagina de onde estou falando!!!

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Fairy Tale Brownies

Three weeks ago, one of my fairy godmothers sent me a box of Fairy Tale Brownies as a surprise gift. They were a wonderful surprise, discovered on my doorstep, the shipping box wrapped in plastic and sprinkled with snow just after midnight when I returned home from the hospital where my new niece entered the world. I was tired and happy and chocolate deprived.

I pried open the box, discovered a charming package inside, all brown and purple, with lots of individually wrapped brownies inside, two of each flavor so I could share with John who was perhaps even more excited than me.

Now that I have sampled all of the flavors (except the coffee--John ate those both the first night with my blessing since I don't like coffee flavor), I can say these are fine brownies. I was surprised that what I expected to be my favorites were not. I'm usually a caramel or mint chocolate girl, but these two were some of my least favorites. My favorites were cream cheese (not a surprise), toffee, chocolate chip (really big chips, more like chunks) and even the white chocolate. The walnut and pecan were runners up as well as the original. I'm not a peanut butter or raspberry girl--give me orange instead--but those were fine brownies, too. So overall, a great and unusual treat.

I've been aware of Fairy Tale Brownies for years, so it was fun to finally see what they were like. The tasting was even better, of course. These make an unusual gift instead of the usual chocolate or cookies, at least in my family where brownies are one of the treats of choice!

And thanks, Kim, for for the great gift. It was delightful.

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Clay Aiken Plans Speech of Hope

Photo by Ethan Miller

For Speech on Human Rights

Clay To Take Stage at HRC Gala

In my ideal world, no child would suffer. Charitable instincts would prevail. There would be global acceptance of all different types of people. -- Clay Aiken

Longtime advocate for inclusion and the rights of all, singer Clay Aiken takes the stage at the Raleigh Convention Center as a headline speaker for the 15th Annual Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Carolinas Gala Saturday.

Emmy Award-winning actress and producer Meredith Baxter will share the speaker podium with Clay at the HRC Gala. Individual and organization award recipients will be honored during the evening program.

When Clay and Diane Bubel co-founded the National Inclusion Project in 2003, the singer's fans became core supporters and fundraisers for the organization's mission to include all children with and without disabilities in community activities.

Through the North Carolina singer, supportive fans have recently been introduced to the Human Rights Campaign:

As the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, the Human Rights Campaign represents a grassroots force of over 750,000 members and supporters nationwide — all committed to making HRC’s vision a reality.

Founded in 1980, the Human Rights Campaign advocates on behalf of LGBT Americans, mobilizes grassroots actions in diverse communities, invests strategically to elect fair-minded individuals to office and educates the public about LGBT issues.

The non-profit group conducts a number of educational and lobbying efforts, including projects designed to promote equality in the workplace and to reach out to college students.

To date, the story about Clay's speech has appeared on 274 media sites, including the News and Observer, USA Today, The New York Times, and The Huffington Post.

An advocate for children through the Inclusion Project and UNICEF, Clay Aiken has proved an intelligent, articulate, and compassionate speaker for countless causes, inspiring the support of those who follow him.

In her comment below, my friend Sally described the phenomenon of Clay and his fans:

Clay's "old soul" wisdom and compassion never cease to amaze me. People who are surprised at the dedication of his fans need to take a closer look at the gift that he really is.

According to press releases, Clay has written his own speech. Hopefully, what he has to say will be shared in a transcript or an audio file. An interview with Matt Ehlers of the N&O provides a small preview:

HRC provided a speechwriter to help Aiken, 31, with his remarks, but he decided to write his own. The original speech was too political, Aiken said, and included a slam aimed at George W. Bush.

"I don't feel like this is the place to be horribly politically charged and bash people and talk about the wrongs that have been done," he said. "My goal is to be hopeful, that it's time for everyone to have equal rights."

SOLD OUT --Clay Aiken's PBS Special taping was declared a sell-out minutes after tickets went public. Graphic by cindilu2

PBS Concert Sells Out in Minutes

Although a few seats remain, according to Skope Mag, the March 12 taping of Clay's PBS Special was declared "sold-out" minutes after tickets became availablle to the general public.

After being on-sale to the public for just minutes, Clay Aiken sold out the Memorial Auditorium in his hometown, Raleigh, NC for his special one night only concert event on Friday, March 12.

The singer put limited tickets on sale for fan club members on Tuesday, February 16. Tickets were then made available for the general public at noon on Friday, February 19.

Fans flooded the online ticket sites and phone lines for the opportunity to be the first to hear Aiken’s new music selling out the singer’s special one night only show in mere minutes.

Have a wonderful weekend, Clay Nation!

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Fotos de Famosas Quando Crianças | Antes e Depois

Fotos Antes e Depois das Famosas

Para você que sempre teve a curiosidade de saber como "tal" celebridade era antes dos quilos de maquiagem, chapinha e Photoshop quando eram apenas crianças e jovens separamos uma galeria de fotos das famosas mais gatas comparadas com suas fotos de infância, mate abaixo a sua curiosidade:

Beyoncé Knowles

Fotos de Famosas Quando Crianças | Antes e Depois

Catherine Zeta Jones

mulheres famosas nuas

Charlize Theron

Fotos de Famosas Quando Crianças | Antes e Depois

Jennifer Aniston

famosas peladas

Jennifer Lopez



mulheres gostosas

Kate Moss

Fotos de Famosas Quando Crianças | Antes e Depois

Alyssa Milano

fotos de famosas

Angelina Jolie

Halle Berry

Milla Jovovich

Gwen Stefani

Fotos de Famosas Quando Crianças | Antes e Depois

Dita Von Teese

Miranda Kerr

Gisele Bundchen

Keira Knightley

Fotos de Famosas Quando Crianças | Antes e Depois

Taylor Swift

Natalie Portman

Scarlett Johansson

Jessica Biel

Fotos de Famosas Quando Crianças | Antes e Depois


antes e depois

Eliza Dushku

mulheres famosas lindas

Bar Refaeli

Zooey Deschanel

Hayden Panettiere

Taylor Momsen

Nicole Kidman

Doutzen Kroes

mulher gostosa

Jena Malone

lindas atrizes

Megan Fox

Adriana Lima

Demi Moore

fotos de famosas

Mila Kunis

Katy Perry

Ok, essa não é gata.... Amy Winehouse

antes e depois das famosas

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