Quote About Fairy Tales and Film, A Good One

From The Dark Side of The Fairy Tale by Alexandra Ferguson:

The fairy tale structure is the foundation of storytelling. Most fairy tales are a glimpse into the history of a culture, with each one carrying a hidden moral or message for its reader, or more often, its listener. Fairy tales tell stories of triumph, struggle, love and loss – the now building blocks of modern cinema screenwriting. However, what is even more intriguing is the fairy tale’s love affair with fear and death. Some of the best loved stories which, for example, are now reincarnated as some of the best loved Disney animations, have much darker roots.
The article goes on to to the usual discussion of fairy tale influenced films already out there, nothing much new although the list focuses on the grittier for those who like those. But I really liked this description of fairy tales so I thought I would share...

Therefore it makes sense that there is evidence of contemporary re-imaginings of the fairy tale in many different film stories.


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