WAYS OF LOVE -- Clay Aiken's sophomore CD, "A Thousand Different Ways," is the perfect accompaniment for this Valentine season. Graphic design by Claystruck.Clay 'Smiles' in PostscriptEmail Offers Laughs, WisdomOccasionally I share the link to my journal with family members, and one in particular delights in sending me cartoons related to this part-time avocation of blogging. ...
Home » Archives for January 2007
Fans Mark Fourth Anniversary
A THOUSAND DAYS -- The second single from Clay Aiken's album, A Thousand Different Ways, is picking up spins as his fans prepare for the Atlanta audition anniversary. Graphic by Katt45, photos by Karen Eh.'Always and Forever' AuditionFans Mark Fourth AnniversaryFor Clay Aiken fans, January 28 -- a date that represents the founding of the Carnegie Institute (1902), the ...
Family Driving Adventures Run the Gamut
WHEN I SEE YOU SMILE -- There is nothing like Clay Aiken's smile, and Amazing_CA captures several in her graphic of photos by Invisible926.Humorous 'Road Stories'Family Driving Adventures Run the GamutAs I wished a friend luck traversing the wintry mix on the mountainous West Virginia roads she travels daily, I thought back on some of our family's daffy driving episodes. ...
Aiken-Kimmel Plans Underway
Ambassador of Love appropriately titled her beautiful entry in the Official Fan Club's Wallpaper Contest "Clay Aiken, Touching One Heart at a Time." Valentine's Day Fest 2007Aiken-Kimmel Reunion PlannedThe 2007 edition of the Valentine's Day Aiken-Kimmel Fest promptly roared into high gear when news of Clay's upcoming 2/14 appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live hit the message ...
ATDW Celebrates Love Songs
LOVE SONG COLLECTION -- A Beautiful Mind's graphic design captures the essence of Clay Aiken's album, A Thousand Different Ways. Photos by Karen Eh.Valentine's Day MementoATDW Celebrates Love SongsWhile the incredibly beautiful vocals and innovative interpretations of love songs make Clay Aiken's A Thousand Different Ways an exceptional Valentine's Day memento, the album ...
Country Honors Legacy of MLK
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. presents the "I Have a Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial, Aug. 28, 1963. -- AP Photo'I Have a Dream'Country Honors Legacy of MLKI have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that one day on the red ...