ON THE ROAD AGAIN -- A Beautiful Mind's handsome graphic recalls past Clay Aiken tours, as preparations are completed for the singer's cross-country concerts with symphony orchestras. Photo by Karen Eh.April-May MailbagReaders Complete NarrativeSome days are diamonds, some days are stones -- from the John Denver songDuring the past two months, this blog has featured a ...
Home » Archives for May 2007
Post Idol Buzz Continues for Clay
EVERYTHING I HAVE -- This Clay Aiken graphic and song seem an appropriate choice for Memorial Day as Americans honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Design by A Beautiful Mind, photo by Scrpkym.Clay Mentions EverywherePost Idol Buzz ContinuesSeveral mentions of Clay Aiken plus some excellent tips for fledgling songwriters by Desmond Child ...
American Idol 6 Finale a Hodgepodge
RUNNER-UP BUZZ -- Clay Aiken is among three American Idol finalists who have bested the winners of their season. Graphic by Amazing_CA, photo by Scrpkym.Media Covers Many AnglesIdol Finale a HodgepodgeThe hodgepodge of Top 10 contestants, former winners, a somewhat random roster of entertainers, literally everything but the kitchen sink, ensured a circus-like atmosphere ...
AI5 Finale: Clay Aiken's Confetti Moment
DREAMS -- Cindilu2 highlighted Clay Aiken's AI5 Finale appearance with this quotation: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."Student Recital Ends on High NoteClay Aiken's Confetti MomentFor Clay Aiken fans, American Idol Finale Week brings to the forefront memories both hurtful and triumphant. When Clay lost what was surely his title ...
There's Only One Clay Aiken
SUMMER TOUR -- Clay Aiken fans are counting the days until his Summer Symphony Tour, which opens in Frisco, TX, on July 4. Graphic design by Amazing_CA, photo by Snix.Recital Rehearsal Yields SurprisesThere's Only One Clay AikenThe final week of this year's American Idol indubitably summons memories of the inordinately close Season 2 competition between Clay Aiken and ...