TAKING FLIGHT -- Samuel Habib sits on his father's lap behindthe controls of his grandfather's sea plane, as the twoprepare for a flight. Photo by Dan Habib.Spotlight on 'Including Samuel'TBAF Champions of ChangeBefore his son Samuel was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, photojournalist and 2008 Champion of Change honoree Dan Habib rarely thought about the inclusion of people ...
Home » Archives for August 2008
Love when a hot guy goes Urkel
Jeff Gordon and Pharrell Williams host the Pepsi 500 Running Wide Open in CaliPR Pho ...
Dude, I love your mom!
Matthew McConaughey, where have you been hiding your adorable mama? Kay McConaughey is promoting her new book "I Amaze Myself." The little cougar told Us Weekly some spicy scoop on her marriage, and how her husband passed away:"On Monday mornings, he and I often said goodbye by making love. But one day, all of a sudden, it just happened. I knew that something was wrong, ...
Aiken Fans Reprise Spamalot Pins
SPECIAL EDITION: Order Spamalot 2 Pins!HE'S BACK - Clay Aiken is returning to Spamalot! - Graphic by cindilu2A Reprise Wardrobe MustAiken Fans Order Spam 2 PinsBrace yourselves, Claymates! The wig masters at the Shubert are fluffing those glorious red tresses in preparation for Clay Aiken’s sure-to-be-triumphant return as Sir Robin on September 19.And it's a good thing ...
Just in case Paula passes out on the table.....
American Idol has a new backup judge! Paula's "old friend" Kara DioGuardi is joining the team this season. "It's about time another girl joined. More girl power," Abdul said. They say DioGuardi will represent more from the industry standpoint.Paula, 46, thinks it's just fabuloso. "I've been waiting for this. I really have and people will love her. She's great!" Hey sheep. ...
Aiken Artists Use Their Voice
USE YOUR VOICE -- Clay Aiken, UNICEF Ambassador, uses his voice to tell others about his recent Somalia mission. Graphic design by Amazing_CA.In Olympic, Political, Social ArenasMontages Link Others to OMWHAfter complementing athletic achievements in the Beijiing Olympics, tracks from Clay Aiken's On My Way Here CD are back in the spotlight of current American political ...
Clay Aiken's OMWH 'Medals'
ONE WORLD, ONE DREAM -- Final festivities in the Beijing National Stadium (the "Bird's Nest") conclude the 2008 Olympic Games. Photo by Shaun Botterill.Festivities, Montages Celebrate GamesBeijing Olympics RememberedMemorable heights in athletic achievement and spectacular ceremonies are coming to a close today with the final curtain of the Beijing 2008 Olympics.For those ...
Clay Aiken Goes to the Movies
ON MY WAY HERE - Tracks from Clay Aiken's new CD harmonize with romantic, historical, and social themes from movies and television. Graphic by Amazing_CA.Pass the Popcorn, Please!Eons ago when I was a kid, Saturday afternoon meant a bus ride downtown and 2-3 hours filled with the latest Hollywood magic playing in our local movie theatre. Cost was minimal for the bus token, ...
Gab down on it
Awww. Gwen had a baby boy! And named him Zuma Nesta Rock Rossdale.Britney may perform at the VMA's. Thank God.McConaughey...heyy.Come on now. Mannn.Woody Allen calls Scarlett Johansson "one of the great American actresses"Sienna gets vandalizedSo, what's Jessica Simpson up to besides drinking beer?Why didn't Lindsay pick a hot girl?Angie Harmon is with childFarmer recovering ...
Janice Dickinson loves fat people. Kind of.
"I don't want to represent plus sizes, but we gave it a shot. I love fat people; I just don't want anything to do with them. Is that bad?"Janice Dickinson, On bringing plus-size models into her agency for the first timeVia Star Magazine/PR Pho ...
Aiken Celebrations Past & Present
MY FAVORITE THINGS -- Clay Aiken performs during 2007's Soft Rock in Hard Place Tour. Graphic by Amazing_CA, photos by Pink Cocoa.TBAF Announces 'Change' HonoreesSRHP Reprise a 'Favorite Thing'Although ticket gathering is in full swing for Clay Aiken's September return to Spamalot, the reprise of the 2007 Soft Rock in a Hard Place Tour would be incomplete without the ...
Ricky Martin follows the surrogate trend
Ricky Martin "is a father to twin boys born via a surrogate," according to People.com "In recent weeks, Ricky Martin became a proud father by the birth of twin sons," his rep said. "The children, delivered via gestational surrogacy, are healthy and already under Ricky's full-time care. Ricky is elated to begin this new chapter in his life as a parent and will be spending ...
"The House Bunny" LA Premiere
Anna FarisNow, what's this?? Rumer Willis & Micah AlbertiAshton Kutcher & Demi MoooreColin HanksThe big one from the KardashiansPR Pho ...