Como Consultar ou Ver os Pontos na Carteira de HabilitaçãoAo Completar 20 pontos na carteira de motorista (CNH) o condutor perde o direito de dirigir, todos sabemos da importância em respeitar as leis de trânsito e estar em dia com a documentação, por isso separamos os links que permitem a pesquisa de multas de veículos para consulta de pontos na habilitação cadastradas ...
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Enade 2010 | Resultado | Data | GabaritoExame Nacional de Desempenho de EstudantesNo ano de 2010 cerca de 4500 cursos serão avaliados no exame do ENADE, cerca de 450 mil pessoas responderão as questões da avaliação, por isso resolvemos escrever esta postagem que visa responder e esclarecer algumas dúvidas dos estudantes em relação ao exame do ENADE 2010:- Quais estudantes ...
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The Mermaid's Pendant by LeAnn Neal Reilly

The Mermaid's Pendant by LeAnn Neal Reilly appeared in my news searches this past week. From Framingham author pens a modern fairy tale by Chris Bergeron:Dissatisfied with the ending of Walt Disney's "The Little Mermaid," LeAnn Neal Reilly wrote her first novel to show what happens to couples who "live happily ever after."The Framingham mother and aspiring author spent ...
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Fair Is Fair by Sharon Creeden

In conjunction with my post about fairy tale justice activities for the classroom, I wanted to share this book, Fair Is Fair by Sharon Creeden.It's a great book about discussing fairness, justice and ethics using fairy tales and folktales from around the world.Book description from the publisher:The first collection of its kind, this collection contains 30 world folktales ...
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Fairy Tales in the Classroom Week: Justice and Law

Books such as Fairy Tales on Trial have increased in popularity over the years as more mock trials of fairy tale characters have been used in classrooms from elementary school level to law schools. I am sharing a list of some of the best titles to use for inspiration. I also occasionally highlight new articles about mock trials or similarly themed plays. I've found ...
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Clay Aiken Fans 'Use Their Voice'

Clay performs during taping of PBS Special.Graphic by Fountaindawg/photos by Jim R. BoundsReaders Share Mic in MailbagMedia Promos Clay Aiken SpecialInternational Media posted a teaser on Facebook about Clay Aiken's PBS Special Wednesday and, in typical fashion, the latest news tidbit roared through the nooks and crannies of CA Cyberspace at breakneck speed.INTERNATIONAL ...
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