Campanha- Lei Ficha Limpa

Blog DCH apóia a Lei Ficha LimpaCorruptos e Bandidos fora das Eleições 2010!Semana que vem o Congresso vai votar uma lei que propõe eliminar do processo eleitoral candidatos acusados de corrupção, lavagem de dinheiro e outros crimes sérios!Essa é a nossa chance de dar um passo gigante para acabar com a corrupção no Brasil. Porém, convencer os deputados a aprovarem esta ...
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Clay Aiken Fans Design CD Covers

TRIED & TRUE - Mock CD cover by ClaysSTO.'Tried & True' PotpourriFans Try Hand at Cover DesignWhen Clay Aiken's new Decca CD starts spinning off store shelves the first of June, the cover probably won't look anything like the mock jackets designed and posted by fans on message boards this week. The creative speculation, however, is a fascinating way to spend the ...
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Women in Folklore Month: The End (For Now)

This is the 31st and final day of Women in Folklore Month here on the SurLaLune Blog. I have many more names I could write about, but I will save them for another time. I've left out some favorites, but also tried to offer some expected and unexpected names. Today I'm dedicating this post to all of the women (and we'll include the men, too!) who have shared and taught and perhaps just loved fairy ...
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#FudidosPeloDescontoVisa | Do Céu ao Inferno em 5000 Tweets

Do Céu ao Inferno em 5 mil TweetsHoje por volta de 13:00 entrei no Twitter e me deparei com a seguinte frase no Trending Brazil- #JuntosPeloDescontoVisa, claro que curioso cliquei e pude ver milhares de Tweets se espalhando rapidamente pedindo o tal desconto, tive que clicar no link que acompanhava a mensagem para ver o que era, era uma ação de marketing da Visa e WalMart ...
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Women in Folklore Month: Marie de France

Marie de France is our focus today.From Wikipedia:Marie de France ("Mary of France") was a poet evidently born in France and living in England during the late 12th century. Virtually nothing is known of her early life, though she wrote a form of Anglo-Norman. She also translated some Latin literature and produced an influential version of Aesop's Fables. Marie de France ...
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Vol. 38- Fotos Engraçadas de Segunda

Fotos de Segunda- Volume 38Todas as Segundas 10 Fotos Curiosas e Engraçadas.....Sou Contra a Maconha!!Yahoo RespostasPor mais que a vida lhe castigue o importante é nunca abaixar a cabeça...Kawasaki de pobreRemédio que deveria sempre ser receitado!!Não se fazem propagandas como antigamenteÉ Nóis na Picina!!!Ctrol C + Ctrol VFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHomem Aranha ...
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Women in Folklore Month: Jane Yolen

Where do I even start? Jane Yolen "has been called the Hans Christian Andersen of America and the Aesop of the twentieth century." And with hundreds of books to her name over a long career, it's impossible to highlight them all here. These days she is perhaps best known for her bestselling series starting with How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? but Jane has been actively ...
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Enquete e Resultado Parcial Final do BBB10- Cadu, Dourado e Fernanda | Quem Vence?

Enquete | Quem deve vencer o BBB10- Cadu x Dourado x FernandaCadu, Dourado e Fernanda estão na final do BBB10Falta muito pouco para descobrirmos quem será o grande campeão do BBB10, com a eliminação de Lia no 14º Paredão com 51% dos votos, Cadu, Dourado e Fernanda disputam o prêmio de R$1,5 milhões, vote na enquete abaixo e escolha o seu favorito para vencer a décima ...
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Diary Details Clay Aiken Shoot

BACK IN TOWN -- Clay Aiken returned to his hometown of Raleigh, NC, for the concert taping of a PBS Special Friday, March 12. Graphic by Fountaindawg, photos by Jim R. Bounds/AP.'Tried and True' CDPhoto Shoot Spotlights TriangleThe March 12 taping of Clay Aiken's PBS Special/Concert in Raleigh was just the beginning of a jam-packed weekend that also included the all-important ...
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Women in Folklore Month: Ruth B. Bottigheimer

Ruth Bottigheimer is a another woman who is currently active in fairy tale scholarship with a few books and numerous articles to her credit. Her approach is somewhat different from other names currently active in the field, making for a diverse experience when you study her work.First, here's her bio on the Stony Brook University website:Ruth B. Bottigheimer teaches ...
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