Leighton Meester: Big Apple Beauty

Leighton Meester was spotted leaving her hotel in New York City.The “Gossip Girl” star looked great as she greeted some fans before making her way into a cab. ...
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The White Witch by James Weldon Johnson

In my adolescence I enjoyed a short obsession with poetry and checked out book after book of it from my middle school library. I would type up my favorite poems and I remember loving James Weldon Johnson and Langston Hughes in particular. My middle school library was filled with the works of African American poets--it must have been a soft spot and quest of my adored ...
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!--google_ad_client = "pub-0103761575226641";/* 336x280, criado 14/08/09 */google_ad_slot = "5383919043";google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;//--> !--google_ad_client = "pub-0103761575226641";/* 336x280, criado 14/08/09 */google_ad_slot = "5383919043";google_ad_width = 336;google_ad_height = 280;//--> O novo programa da Rede Globo, Bem Estar [www.g1.com.br/bemestar], ...
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Cloridrato de Ciprofloxacino é um princípio ativo que está presente em vários antibióticos. Abrange uma grande variedade bactérias Gram Positivas e Gram negativas e é indicado para vários tipos de infecções bacterianas de amplo espectro. A indicação principal do Cloridrato de Ciprofloxacino é no tratamento das infecções que acometem nas vias respiratórias. Também ...
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Quem é que não pensa em fazer as malas e sair de viagem para alguma cidade turística no Brasil ou até mesmo fora? A cada ano é maior o número de pessoas viajando para aproveitar não só as férias mas também os feriados, principalmente, os feriados prolongados. E nesta hora, muitos preferem deixar por conta de uma empresa especializada toda a parte burocrática, ficando ...
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Fairy Tale by Ron Padgett

Today's poem is "Fairy Tale" by Ron Padgett from You Never Know from You Never Know. It doesn't reference a specific fairy tale, but it is impish and earns its name.As always, this is copyrighted and shouldn't be copied and pasted and is offered as an image from the book to discourage such. I am offering as promotion of Padgett's book and work which is linked here. And ...
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January Jones Is Pregnant!

'Mad Men' starlet January Jones is going to be a mom! The 33-year-old actress' rep released a statement saying:"January Jones is happy to announce that she is expecting her first child this fall,"January is staying tight lipped when it comes to who the baby's father is by having her rep state:"She's really looking forward to this new chapter in her life as a single ...
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Russia and Ukraine in bun fight over fairy tales

I thought this published yesterday before it appeared everywhere on the net, but here it is now for posterity at least.Oh, ha! I'm not sure how much of this is simply media hype. After all, those of us in the know, know that tracing fairy tale origins and claiming them as uniquely your own is well, flummery. That's not to say they can't claim specific variants by authors ...
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One Day Sale: Robin Hood: The Complete Series

Robin Hood: The Complete Series is on sale today only for $41.99 on Amazon. (Royal Wedding Week means BBC set deals in the Gold Box all week.) It's a good price for the first two seasons although I recommend completely ignoring the last season (3rd). This show was the opposite of Merlin which had its best season so far in its third. It's light ...
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The Mythicals Nail Polish

Those who know me in real life know that I have a *slight* nail polish obsession. I've posted several fairy tale related collections on this blog and this new one isn't fairy tale influenced, but it is folklore/myth related and so, of course, I am enchanted by it thanks to the theme and the colors. It's only missing a great green color. Yes, it is a collection of nail ...
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Return to Magic by Clive Sansom

Return to Magic by Clive Sansom is an old, long out-of-print collection of fairy tale poems first published in 1969. I acquired a copy years ago but the book is hard to find and expensive, even more now, perhaps in part because it's been listed on SurLaLune for years--I believe all the scans of the cover on the internet are my original one. (That yellowing on the ...
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New Book: Abandon by Meg Cabot

  A few years ago I sat on a panel at Dragon*Con discussing King Arthur and Camelot in the Young Adult track and one of the books I read to prep was Meg Cabot's Avalon High. And I enjoyed it. It had fun with the story while not being enslaved to it. To be honest, I was rather burned out on heavy, depressing Camelot stories with Guinevere usually annoying me ...
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Muitas vezes ao planejar a decoração da casa o banheiro é um cômodo que as pessoas costumam esquecer-se de incluir no projeto. Outras vezes até incluem mas sem dar aquele devido valor, como acontece com os quartos, cozinha e principalmente a sala. O que é de se estranhar já que a maioria das pessoas gosta de mostrar um banheiro sempre impecável para as visitas. E ...
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Hay Festival: Work with Michael Morpurgo on a fairy tale

   From Hay Festival: Work with Michael Morpurgo on a fairy tale:The Telegraph will be offering the chance to work with star children's author Michael Morpurgo. We are thrilled to announce that we are launching a search for the nation’s favourite fairy tale, in association with Waterstone’s. Is it Beauty and the Beast or Jack and the Beanstalk? The Three ...
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