SOMETHING ABOUT US - The romantic classic "Something About Us" has become a favorite at weddings and anniversary celebrations. Graphic by Amazing_CA.
Love Song a Classic
OMWH Still Elates Aiken Fans
The beautiful "Something About Us" track on Clay Aiken's On My Way Here album became one of my favorites back when I first listened to CD preview "snippets." Four months later, it still is.
The LALATE website recently featured SAU in its new "eLATEd" series. As the narrator says, "LALATE is especially elated about SAU."
Although the romantic lyrics, melody, and harmonies of SAU are reminiscent of another era, the classic ballad appeals to fans of many generations. Since its release on On My Way Here, the song has become a staple for weddings, anniversaries, and other celebrations of romantic love.
Something About Us
Stop the music, play the song
We'll dance together all night long
The spotlight glows, somehow it knows,
That there's something about us
Something about us
People smile when they walk by
There's too much magic to deny
A fool can see we're meant to be
'cause there's something about us,
something about us
The words on every poet's tongue
Every love song ever sung
about us, it's about us
From Romeo and Juliet,
to plays they haven't written yet
It's old and new, it's a classic tale of two
of our perfectly perfect love
You can see it in our ways
in how we spend our nights and days
A crazy laugh, a photograph
There's just something about
something about us
The words on every poet's tongue
Every love song ever sung
about us, it's about us
From Romeo and Juliet,
to plays they haven't written yet
It's old and new, it's a classic tale of two
of our perfectly perfect love
So stop the music, play the song
And we'll dance together all night long
We'll reminisce of moments like this
Cause there's something about us
Something about us
Yes, there's something about us ...
Something About Us - Montage by Luluasst
Since OMWH was released in May, CA fans have created many montages featuring SAU like the one above, Clay and Jaymes: Something About Us is by Luluasst.
This is just a partial listing of other SAU montages at YouTube:
"Legends" - Something About Us by Yollie950
Something About Us - Mick and Beth ("Moonlight") by Shereeltb
An OBAMA Love Story by Hotshortie
Something About Us - Jammy by kamaly3
Jack and Kate - Something About Us ("Lost") by LovesClaysvoice
Caitlin and Travis - Something About Us by SueReu
Apolo and Julianne: The Reunion by sallyboo8892
Something by arthurb
PHOTO INTERLUDE: Featured in this clickable interlude are graphics by cindilu2, Amazing_CA, and Ambassador of Love.
Figures Signal Worldwide Sales
Sales estimated at Worldwide Albums seem to indicate that foreign sales surpass US sales again. According to WWA, the first data indicates a "minimun," while the second a "maximum," reached by adding 4% to the first data. The disclaimer is that no one knows the accuracy of the numbers quoted.
According to Playbiller, who regularly tracks this site, sales last week were estimated between 172,000 and 178,880. This week they are estimated at 174,000 and 180,960, indicating OMWH sales of about 2K.
Click on the TOTAL BY ARTIST link and scroll to Clay Aiken to see these figures:
A Thousand Different Ways: 644,500 and 670,282
On My Way Here: 174,000 and 180,960
In this week's USA Idol Chatter blog about American Idol sales, US totals for OMWH were reported as 600 down from 800 for a total of 150k while ATDW notched another week of 100 album sales for a total of 528,000.
Websites, Blogs Mirror Global Interest
Clay Aiken message boards abound in countries around the world, and North America sites have amassed large international communities. Since tracking means were added through Feedjit and ClustrMap, the Carolina blog has been visited by citizens of 86 countries. Other Clay journals with tracking devices sport similar numbers.
Time will tell, but CA fans believe OMWH is a much better CD than sale numbers indicate. When people are exposed to the incredible tracks sung by Clay's amazing pipes -- as they have been through countless YouTube montages, webisode/Sessions links, albums shared -- agreement is almost a given. That he has a very engaging personality comes through, too.
Typical is this recent Not.Just.Us encounter posted by demeter at Clayversity:
I made a quick trip to my local 7-11 yesterday. I was wearing my OFC OMWH Clay shirt. The clerk looked closely and said, "On My Way Here -- what is that?" I told her it was the name of Clay's most recent CD.
She said, "Why does his name sound so familiar? Wasn't he on that American Idol show?" ... Yep, second season.
"Oh, didn't I just see him on 'Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?' last week? But he didn't look like that!"
I told her he has changed his hairdo several times, and the clerk kept saying, "But he didn't look like that. Maybe I'll have to check out his CD."
Even repeat TV appearances can put Clay in people's minds. This person clearly was not even exposed to him before AYSTAFG?
An anonymous comment in this blog entry beautifully summarizes fan sentiment for OMWH:
OMWH still elates this Clay Aiken fan; I listen to it every day. It is the kind of album that gets better each time you hear it, and the depth and emotions of the lyrics touch my heart every time.
Below is a clickable of Amazing_CA 's opening graphic:
Have a wonderful weekend, Clay Nation!
TECHNORATI TAGS: Clay Aiken, On My Way Here, Something About Us, Ashes, Everything I Don't Need, Where I Draw the Line, AOL Sessions, LALATE, Worldwide Albums, USA Idol Chatter, Feedjit, ClustrMap, montage, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
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