GOLFING FOR INCLUSION -- Clay Aiken participated in The Bubel/Aiken Foundation's fundraiser, Golfing for Inclusion, last weekend. Photo by by Katy4Clay, edited by Sally.
LAP & LACIE to the Rescue
'Spamalot' Rehearsals Resume
After last weekend's Golfing for Inclusion fundraiser in Palm Beach, FL, Clay Aiken headed back to New York City to rehearse for his Jan. 18 debut as Sir Robin in the Broadway show "Spamalot."
While Singer Man is getting his flap ball change under control, opening night preparations are in high gear on the fandom's message boards.
Since their November venture with blogging, LAP (laptop) and LACIE (external hard drive) have been petitioning to pen another entry. They jumped when the opportunity presented itself today ...
LAP: We can't say for sure, but we think there's a new malady around here that's giving The Aiken Fog (TAF) a run for it's money.
LACIE: The symptoms are all there -- tracking in route packages for Kai at least once every hour, jumping feet first into photo editing, inserting Kai's Photobucket link with payments for the dentist and optometrist. Yep, Caro is walking around in a perpetual Grandma Fog.
Heels, Kai Blow Blog Routine'
LAP: Basketball season for the Carolina Tar Heels is in full swing, and it's no wonder she blew her three-day blogging routine. This week she even "watched" a non-televised game by refreshing the ESPN website every 30 seconds.
LACIE: We seem to have a few fans among her readers, so we thought we'd give this blogging thing another whirl -- even the codes if the ole girl doesn't come out of the fog in time.
LAP: Sounds as if Clay and all who attended last weekend's Golfing for Inclusion had a grand ole time at the Mirasol Country Club in Palm Beach, FL. They also raised a lot of money for The Bubel/Aiken Foundation.
LACIE: You can read recaps by several fans at Clay's Daily Double. We are including some blends of GFI photos in the interlude. This clickable video screen cap was edited by Sally. Oh, my, where's my "Lawd Jesus" fan?
Festivities Replayed Via Clack
LAP: There's clack of Clay assisting with the auction and singing "Unchained Melody," "At This Moment," "I Can't Make You Love Me," and "When a Man Loves a Woman," to name a few.
LACIE: (fans self) OMG, I think I'm still much too close to that picture! I would love to have won the dinner for two with Clay in New York City. Besides two tickets to "Spamalot" and a backstage pass, the bundle also includes a horse and carriage ride. (swoons, causing video to flicker)
LAP: TBAF plans for Golfing for Inclusion to be an annual event. I bet lots of CA fans are out signing up for golf lessons to practice their swing for next year!
LACIE: Wonder if I can swing with Clay by taking a few lessons? Is it getting hotter in here to you, Lap?
LAP: Good grief, Lacie, you're as bad as the rest of them! Just be glad you can see Clay on "The View" on Jan. 22. Now go mark your calendar and cool off!
New 2008 Calendar: 'A Year of Clay'
LACIE: Photographer PermaSwooned has prepared a 2008 calendar entitled "A Year of Clay," the cover for which is pictured above in clickable form. Anyone interested can link to the monthly files in Perma's Smugmug gallery: 2008 Clay Calendar.
LAP: Fans can print the 8.5 x 11" files on photo paper, upload to Snapfish, or download them to disk and have the calendar printed at Staples. Use glossy paper for best results.
LACIE: Perma suggests that you save each calendar page in the original size so you will have maximum pixels. I am somewhat of an authority because I store Kai's photos, which contain mega pixels.
LAP: One more thing. These are jpeg files. If you would like the pdf files, which are clearer, you will need to contact PermaSwooned. She will need your email address, and you can send her a PM at Finding Clay Aiken.
LACIE: Or you can write to us, and we will pass along your request. I'm at least saving the photos to my drive.
LAP: Don't look now, Lace, but they are already there, LOL!
PHOTO INTERLUDE: Seven visual artists are represented in this clickable interlude featuring Clay in concert and various Golfing for Inclusion activities. They include Cindilu2, photos by KarenEh, 1; Clayquebec1, 2; ABeautifulMind, photo by Invisible926, 3; Amazing_CA, 4; and Amazing_CA, photo by Pink Cocoa, 5.
Carolina Blog Goes Global
LAP: Just for grins, during the first week of December, Caro added a ClustrMap that registers the location of visitors to the Carolina On My Mind journal on Blogspot.
LACIE: Now we know a friend in Nashville reads the Carolina journal; so you can imagine how shocked we were when the initial reports showed that people from many parts of the world are dropping by.
LAP: A few days ago, Caro asked Barb55's husband Ron, a geography professor, to make sure she had correctly analyzed the countries represented.

Map of Carolina Visitors
LACIE: The red dots on the current ClustrMap represent blog hits/readers to date. By continent, the 38 countries include the following:
ASIA: Saudi Arabia, India, Oman, Micronesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong-China, Korea, Japan, the Philippines
AUSTRALIA: Australia, New Zealand
EUROPE: Iceland, Spain, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Greece, Germany, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania
NORTH AMERICA: Canada, United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador
SOUTH AMERICA: Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela.
'Spamalot' Pins Go International
LAP: Orders for the "Spamalot" pins featured in the previous entry reportedly doubled after the blog went up and include international queries as well. You can view proofs and place an order at this link. Supplies, however, are limited.
LACIE: To our Carolina site visitors, we appreciate your stopping by and hope to hear from you sometime. Remember, you don't have to be a Blogspot member to say "hello."
LAP: Thnx again for your visits, which continue to provide an amazing world geography lesson!
LACIE: OFC readers, we appreciate all your visits and comments, too!
Kai in Carolina Blue
Graphic by Cindilu2
Grandson Swinging, Too
LACIE: Since this little "automatic sprinkler" -- will he ever be embarrassed when he reads this blog of these days! -- is causing Caro's current foggy condition, we are including one new picture.
LAP: Kai's mother took the photo, and Cindilu2 created the graphic.
LACIE: We understand that Kai is practicing his "swing," too, with the brand new rocking Rainforest.
LAP: Lacie and I helped track the Amazon purchase all the way from California to the delivery truck, which arrived early Wednesday.
LACIE: Unlike Caro, Kai's mother is a whiz at putting equipment like this together. We hear our favorite little guy has been swinging to musical tunes and sounds of the jungle ever since.
Below is a clickable of the opening photo by Katy4Clay as edited by Sally.
LAP: Have a great weekend, Clay Nation!
LACIE: Now that I'm a Claymate, that includes me. HEEEE!!!!!
RELATED TAGS: Clay Aiken, Spamalot, Broadway, The Bubel/Aiken Foundation, Golfing for Inclusion, Clay's Daily Double, Carolina On My Mind, Blogspot, ClustrMap, geography, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
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