ON MY WAY HERE - Four Eric Ogden photos from the CD shoot are featured in Amazing_CA's handsome graphic.
Fans Applaud OMWH Songs
Aiken Debuts New CD at QVC
"People smile when they walk by; there's too much magic to deny."
The "Something About Us" lyric from Clay Aiken's new On My Way Here CD capsulizes the sentiments of the singer's devoted fans. Following the QVC debut of five OMWH songs Monday night, the phenomenon known as "the Aiken Fog" has once again overtaken the Clay Nation in epidemic proportions.Fortunately, there is a "recovery day" in Clay's CD promo rounds between Q Sessions Live and his next TV appearance, the Tyra Banks Show on Wednesday.
After a very harried drive home from a music academy in a neighboring city -- three yellow lights, some formidable quick lane changes, and slightly accelerated speed limits -- I may be ready for racing status. Like many fans, I made the mad dash to my TV set with a couple of minutes to spare.
Pre-show chatter by the QVC crew revealed they were as excited to have Clay performing on Q Sessions Live as his fans. This is a Sendspace download of host Jacque Gonzales with the Coming Up segment.
CA Fans Pack QVC Studio
Queensmum of Clayversity, one of the 130 CA fans packing the small studio audience at QVC's broadcast center in West Chester, PA, posted her thoughts in a brief recap at Clayversity:
"On My Way Here" sets the theme for the CD perfectly, and the bridge was great to hear live. "Everything I Don't Need" was one of my least favorites from the snippets. Not anymore -- this is a hawt song. Growls ... yeah!Video of Monday's show can be seen at QVC. Video and audio downloads are available at Clack Unlimited. Thanks to ChaChaTrusty, they can also be viewed on YouTube. To play all the songs, click on the More from chacha3078 link.
"Something About Us" showcases Clay's jazzy voice, and it's definitely a wedding song. I really liked it. Very smooth. "Where I Draw the Line" - Hawt but sad lyrics. "The Real Me" is stunningly beautiful. We got to hear the whole song.
The sound system was definitely not built for acoustics, but Clay sounded really good (a few little bobbles but, heck, he was singing live!) and looked great. A little tired and perhaps a little bit tense in the beginning; but once he realized how into it the whole group was, he relaxed.
These songs are grown up songs, not fluff. They also show off Clay's range and ability to sing so many different genres without a ton of glory notes.
There were two boom cameras and a couple of still cameras PLUS a guy walking around with a camera going practically up Clay's nose. It was a tight fit on the stage, and I think that's why he stayed put as much as he did. I was so surprised to see how much was going on around him; it would have driven me bonkers with everything whirring and turning. But Clay knew right where the camera is at all times.
Jacque, the hostess, was a doll and very sweet. I honestly think she loved the songs, not just shilling it. She said it off camera a few times, and she got way too many hugs.
Once a product number for OMWH was listed on the QVC website around midnight Sunday, the shopping channel was immediately swamped with pre-orders for the CD and special five-tract CD/DVD bonus, which includes "When I Need You," "Invisible," "Measure of a Man," "I Will Carry You," and "This is the Night."
Though shipment is now at the delayed status, orders for the QVC combo can still be placed here.
Jasr9203, also in QVC's Live Session audience, provided further insight into the evening:
The woman in charge of crowd warm-up said at the end that "The Real Me" gave her goose bumps. The hostess chatted with us before they went on the air and told us how much she loves the CD and how certain songs really brought her to tears. A man who attended the employee meeting with Clay the afternoon kept telling us what a nice guy he is.
PHOTO INTERLUDE: OMWH photos by have been enhanced in these clickable graphics created by CA fans. They include Claystruck, 1; MNmeesh, 2; Tamm's Exclusives (from a Yahoo PSP forum), 3; Amazing_CA, 4; and Ambassador of Love, 5.
New LALATE Show Plans CA Premiere
LALATE NEWS Monday announced plans to launch a five-minute celebrity news television feature with Clay as the focus of the series pilot.
According to LALATE's release, "the series will take a current newsworthy celebrity, like a musician who has a new album coming out or an actor who has a new TV series premiering, and do a retrospective biopic look at the celebrity’s career through the eyes of a fan and how they are redefining themselves today.
Clay Aiken Does It His 'Way'
Reuters picked up Chuck Taylor's excellent Billboard interview -- Clay Aiken doing it his 'Way' with new album -- and the story was posted in countless media markets Sunday. Here is a snip, and the article can be read in its entirety at the Reuters link:
NEW YORK (Billboard) - During its six previous seasons, TV juggernaut "American Idol" has launched countless music careers -- but the caveat is maintaining staying power.
Season-two runner-up continues to beat the odds. He is gearing up for the May 6 release of "On My Way Here" (RCA), his first album of original material since his 2003 double-platinum debut, "Measure of a Man."
In May, he'll wrap a five-month Broadway stint in the Tony Award-lauded musical comedy "Spamalot."
On the new album, Aiken worked with Grammy Award-winning British producer Kipper (Sting, Chris Botti). The singer talks about the road ahead and his journey to this point.
Famous Shirt Tug an Accident
Clay talks about the music of OMWH -- and a whole lot more -- in an interview with Emma Loggins at Fanbolt. One of the many interesting gems appears near the end:
Your fans miss the "Tug."! So I have to ask since we all love it so much, do you intend to use it again?
Oh Lord, no. That has its mark. If I sing that song again, I'll do it again if I'm in the mood. That was actually an accident that happened, it... it became a phenomenon! So when I do it, I do it for the fans and not naturally. We kind of joke around backstage sometimes when I'm about to sing "Invisible", and I'm like, "Oh crap where am I supposed to do that?" I can never remember where it's supposed to be [laughs], so we do it on purpose now. I think that has its place.
Austen360 at Idol Chatter
At Idol Chatter, you can read the new Austen360 interview -- From Clay Aiken's Mouth to Your Ears -- as well as listen to the 10-minute audio on the website.
CD countdown clocks on websites throughout Clay Cyberspace continue their steady march toward May 6. OMWH will be here in under six days!
April 30 Tyra Banks Show (syndicated). Download Clay's Tyra segment, or watch it on YouTube.
May 6 Virgin Megastore (CD signing)
May 6 Satellite 30 Tour (media interviews)
May 7 Good Morning America (ABC)
May 8 The View (ABC)
TBD New York's CW 11 - Morning News
May 9 The Today Show (NBC, 10-11 a.m. EDT)
May 9 Nightline New York (ABC, 8 p.m. EDT)
May 12 Tonight Show with Jay Leno (NBC)
May 13 AOL Sessions Live (taping)
May 16 The Rachael Ray Show (ABC)
May 16 Jimmy Kimmel Live (ABC)
May 20 Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (CBS)
Memorable Moments To Ponder
This past Sunday I accompanied my brother-in-law's choir on oboe and flute. The minister's sermon was a very interesting recap of the trip he and several church members made to the Holy Land, fittingly followed by a very inspiring rendition of the anthem, "The Holy City."
As BIL and I embraced following the service, he stated he thought the music had gone well. He was astounded when I told him there had been a standing ovation after the last anthem. His back had been to the congregation as he prepared for the final hymn, so my BIL had no idea of the extra recognition.
Life is not made up of the number of breaths we take but the moments that take our breath away.
This provocative thought from the sermon has popped up many times in the days since ... when I think about the special little grandson I will meet in a few weeks, the singer so many of us admire, the students whose lives I touch, the music we share.
Below is a clickable of ACA's opening graphic:
Have an awesome week, Clay Nation!
P.S. Here are a couple of audio Sendspace downloads: the newly-released Walmart OMWH Snippets (with bonus) and Tuesday's Broadway Cares performance of The Prayer by Clay and Hannah Waddingham.
RELATED TAGS: Clay Aiken, On My Way Here, Everything I Don't Need, Something About Us, Where I Draw the Line, The Real Me, QVC Q Sessions Live, Tyra Banks Show, Entertainment Tonight, Clack Unlimited, LALATE NEWS, Austen 360, Spamalot, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
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