(Above: Britney, Lynne Spears, Jamie Lynn, Casey's sister Ashley Aldridge and his mom Joyce Aldridge)
The Spears family dropped the drama and threw a baby shower for Jamie Lynn last weekend. OK! spoke with Jamie Lynn and got the full scoop.....
Let's talk about the shower.
My mom put it all together for me. There were mainly people her age so that way they could get me all the important stuff I need. The people my age, like Sarah and Leah, got me the cute stuff. There were 20 or 30 people there to me, it was pretty big.
Have you had morning sickness?
Definitely, for the first three months. I couldn't eat so I didn't gain any weight in the beginning. I was sick all the time. Now, I feel great!
Are you reading any Web sites about pregnancy?
I'm not real good about computers. I'd rather read things off paper. I don't do the Internet thing. I don't like it.
Are you going to try and get your figure back quickly?
I want to get back to my old weight, but you can't work out right away. I don't want to stay this way. I'll just stick to my treadmill and weights, and I won't eat cheese every day. You don't have to pay somebody a bunch of money to make you skinny again. If you want to be skinny, you have to do it yourself. And I love to swim, so I know I'll be doing a lot of that.
What's the best part of being pregnant?
It's when she kicks, when you know she's there. When she kicks me, I love it. I want to squeeze her already. I do talk to her, you know, like all moms talk to their babies. I just tell her how much I love her.
You had a great experience this weekend with Britney.
It was wonderful to be able to spend time with her and just be girls again. We painted our nails and did stupid stuff, and we had our private time too. To be able to be in the privacy of our own home and just be sisters again was wonderful.
Describe that first moment when you saw each other.
She just ran up. She obviously couldn't pick me up [laughs]. We gave each other a big hug. It was a really good feeling.
What were the first things you said?
I love you. I've missed you. It's so good to see you.
Did Britney give you any advice on being a mom?
She said, There are going to be some long nights, but it is completely worth it.
Are you and Britney in touch a lot now?
Oh yes! I'm a texter. I don't like talking on the phone. That's not my thing. Britney is a texter too.
We know you're having a girl. I have you decided on a name?
No. We want it to be something special. That's something we haven't figured out yet, but I'm thinking hard. I'm working on it. No one has given me any suggestions. I wish they would!
Pick up this week's issue of OK! for all of the juicy details
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