He's Got a Way - Montage by LovesClaysVoice
Mailbag Spotlights Readers
Clay Aiken Fans Have Their Say
Readers who leave comments have a special place in the hearts of bloggers, and their remarks often complete the dialogue set in motion by the writer.
Occasionally, I like to feature the thoughts shared by Carolina On My Mind and Clayonline readers in a mail bag blog. This edition highlights what many of you had to say about the closing concerts of Clay Aiken's Soft Rock Hard Place Tour, which have been in rewind mode through the last three entries.
The opening montage -- He's Got a Way by LovesClaysVoice -- captures highlights from the Orlando finale. The two photo interludes include special moments from the entire tour.
8/20/09: Postscript to Clay Aiken SRHP Tour
This entry replayed the story of three fans who at the end of the tour found themselves on the same Delta flight to NC as Clay.These are just a few of the remarks added by readers:
Controlling their excitement, they allowed the singer his privacy but managed to express "off the chain" tour props in a note delivered by a flight attendant. One reader relayed a similar memory as a fan of Paul McCartney.
The blog also included a brief recap of a summer recital presented by three cousins for a studio full of relatives.
Anonymous: Loved the story of the fans who gave Clay his privacy yet let him know in a subtle way that he was appreciated. The blends of Clay are beautiful.
PalpatatinClay: Love the story of your three students (I studied music as well; I use the term "studied" loosely); my mom was UP for any photo op possible...sounds like great time.
I adored the tale of the airplane, this bit was specifically memorable to me: When the stewardess arrived with drinks, the excited fans quietly asked if they could have Clay Aiken's cup. She said, "So that was him? I thought it looked like him!"
Why? Because I kept a milk glass (with milk still in it) in my closet for years - it was Paul McCartney's LOL...even though I met him and he eventually knew my name (thanks to Robbie Robertson of the SF Chronicle), I still held on to that dang milk glass for years (ewwwwwwww in the top of the closet!!!)
Great time for the three fans; great time for the three students, and great fun to read!
VoxLvr: How great for your students! Had to laugh about the "stage moms" getting that perfect shot.
MissSally: I don't think there's a Clay fan who wasn't a bit envious of the gals on the plane, I know I was. I also enjoyed PalpatatinClay's comment about Macca's milk glass.
Chez_Clay: How hysterical! Had a great laugh about three fans returning on the same airplane (a con.nec.tion!!). Also your three students!
Also, love the story of the Clay fans on the airplane. They showed remarkable restraint (I would hope I would react in the same manner).
Anonymous: OMG I remember reading about the FOURIDA and their recap back in '07. I recall thinking what a special fandom this and that they handled themselves perfectly. Even for 12 year olds! :o)
Margaret5828: Teachers are special people; that's for sure. It must be gratifying to see the look in their eyes. Somebody's parents brought those girls up right by leaving Clay to his privacy. I don't think I could.
Barb55: I remember reading about the three lucky ladies on the plane with Clay. They must have been on Cloud 9 and thrilled when he read their note.
What a special treat for three of your students' family members to see them perform in their own recital. I'm sure you were very proud of them.
marianhookailo: I especially loved your story of the little musical given by your students. The families must have been in music heaven.
vibajajo: Thank you for the giggle. I love that story about the three Clay fans. You must be very proud of the kids you teach.
luvtigr: You sound proud as a peacock as you should. Love that story of those women. They did well!
PHOTO INTERLUDE: Throughout the SRHP Tour, graphic artists and photographers preserved many memories that fans revisit often. Included in this clickable interlude are visuals by AmazingCA, 1, 4, and 5, photos by toni7babe, and 2, photos by PinkCocoa. The third graphic is by Ashes, photo by gerwhisp.8/18/09: Fun-Filled SRHP Finale
The Orlando SRHP finale vocals are magnificent treasures, especially the duet-turned-trio, "I Want To Know What Love Is," and Clay's emotional "Measure of a Man." This concert naturally included the typical laughs and tricks of a final performance.
LAP, my "all business" laptop, and his partner, LACIE, a fangirly external hard drive, assumed the writing duties for this entry. They very much appreciate your many compliments.
PalpatatinClay: I told him, "I'm sorry, but you have got to stand up now. You are going to miss it all sitting in that chair. Trust me.' He said, "Yes, 'mam" and stood up. He clapped, he laughed, he danced."
WTG on Clayverting him! You never know who you are going to sit next to at a concert. I loved the calendar that Claystruck made, brings back some wonderful memories.
SueReu: Fun blog!!! I always love it when LAP and LACIE take over. *hee hee* I had a similar experience with a first time Clay concert goer in Pala. He was SOLD by the end of the show, LOL!!!
Clay Aiken is a master performer because he connects with the audience. He doesn't just go through the motions, but watches and listens to everything going on around him.
VoxLvr: The YouTube of Clay Aiken's MOAM at Ft Myers is incredible. Ending the last notes with his fists clenched, such emotion. He's truly a talent, an awesome performer and someone I hope with his new CD coming out will tour again next summer.
Paula Bear: I especially loved your story about the theater owner in Delray Beach. I don't think I've ever heard of any concertgoer leaving a Clay Aiken concert disappointed. He amazes even the skeptics and converts them all! Can't wait until he's back out on the road again next year with his new CD!!
Anonymous: LOL, "LACIE: It's not as if we don't know what's going on in Clay Land. If we're not watching clack, we're reading about it." That's me for sure!
Tripster: I love the phrase Clackapalooza ~ that's really a hoot! Thanks for all the videos, and the photo interlude. Loved your conversation between LAP and Lacie!
Cousin It: LOL!! "Where is my Lawd Jesus fan?" had me rolling on the floor! Thanks for the great, humorous blog as well as the photos and video!
Siol: I think I love to read about the Clayversions more than anything. I wonder if there's more stories out there that we haven't heard about.
Ashes: LAP & LACIE do such a good job! I love this. "LACIE: It's not as if we don't know what's going on in Clay Land. If we're not watching clack, we're reading about it." I've been lost in YouTube and PC clackland all evening!
Arielone: I started by reading your entire blog on Clayonline, which then took me to the Carolina on My Mind site, which I then started clicking on the photos of Clay that took me to YouTube, which I then started clicking on more videos of Clay singing his heart out. I realized that an hour had passed since I first started reading your blog!
PHOTO INTERLUDE: This set of clickable designs are by AmazingCA, photos by Invisible, 1; cindilu2, photos by scrpkym, 2; chachatrusty, 3; Ambassador of Love, photos by LynninNJ, 4; and AmazingCA, photos by Pink Cocoa, 5.8/16/09: Clay Aiken Fans Mark August 16
Ashes: Ft. Myers was a hoot! You made me laugh again! Except of course for remembering August 1977 & Elvis. I was vacuuming with the radio turned up loud when I heard the breaking news.August 16, the day Elvis died, is also the anniversary of the very memorable Ft. Myers SRHP Concert during which Clay "borrowed" Scarlett's camera and became a clack gatherer.
My accidental mix-up of vinegar and water merited many laughs and even a health tip to boot.
Sorry, but I couldn't help but laugh at your vinegar cocktail..even though I'm puckering up just at the thought of it.
fgs: I loved the concert at Ft Myers. One never knows what to expect next at a Clay Aiken concert. He witty and fun making every concert different.
Sandy: So many great memories of the shenanigans of Clay! We never quite knew what was in store for us, and Clay always delivered, both musically and comically!
I was at work when we heard the news of Elvis's passing and one of the girls at work let out a loud shriek as she had tickets to see him in Syracuse which was coming up soon.
gerra: I was at that concert in Fort Myers. The whole Florida 4some was absolutely fantastic.
Sydney: Thanks for the laughs. On a sad note though, yes, I remember where I was when I heard the news that Elvis passed away.I was in Guatemala at the time studying, I was on the upper level balcony and a teacher came outside to tell us the news...Everyone was upset.
Pal of Clay: I was at the Pala concert, Clay was so quick on his feet - his backup singers were hysterical too. It was fun to watch the orchestra laughing while Clay was on stage.
Marlyne: How could we ever forget Fort Myers? I wasn't there, but sure remember the awesome clack!
August 1977: I was in the car with my two sons. I don't remember where we were going, but I sure remember hearing it over the radio. So shocked and saddened!
Arielone: Those two videos are some of my favorites. Well, almost all Clay videos are my favorite. Funny story about vinegar. Vinegar is a great way to detox the body. I mix it with honey and water.
Paula Bear: Awesome memories of an awesome Clay Aiken concert that had some of the funniest moments. I love the way Clay just goes with the flow and makes every situation a memorable one!
Many thnx to all who leave comments, which complete the circle for each entry and give CA blogs a boost in the search engines at Google and other sites.
Here's to many more memorable moments from future tours by Singer Man. Have a wonderful week, Clay Nation!
TECHNORATI TAGS: Clay Aiken, mailbag blog, readers, Soft Rock Hard Place Tour, FOURIDA, montage, Clayonline, Clay Nation
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