Amanda Seyfried is one of the biggest names in Hollywood right now in her age group, so it's no surprise that she is currently filming Red Riding Hood as the lead and is slated to also play Cinderella in the near future. I'm actually happy with this since I have enjoyed her since her Veronica Mars
Anyway, there are several behind the scenes pictures of Red Riding Hood appearing around the net, mostly of the cast in their various costumes which are interesting out of their context. You can see an entire gallery at TooFab.
There are also a few pictures with more information about the movie at The Daily Mail: Amanda Seyfried steps back in time in a fairytale costume (but takes her iPad and Blackberry with her).
Amanda stars in the lead role in the gothic retelling of the fairytale, which centres on a medieval town that has been terrorised by a werewolf for generations.
Her free spirited character Valerie is at the centre of a love triangle between a rebellious woodcutter, played by Shiloh Fernandez, and well-to-do suitor, played by Max Irons.
Director Catherine Hardwicke, who also worked on Twilight, says Julie Christie will step in as Amanda's grandmother, who is 'sexy' and 'bohemian' rather than an 'old granny'.
Sounds interesting...
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