From Hay Festival: Work with Michael Morpurgo on a fairy tale:
The Telegraph will be offering the chance to work with star children's author Michael Morpurgo.So which fairy tale do you think will win? Perhaps its time for me to do a new list of the top traffic on SurLaLune, in other words see which fairy tales are currently the most popular on there. Cinderella is always first place, but it should be interesting to see where Rapunzel currently is thanks to Tangled
We are thrilled to announce that we are launching a search for the nation’s favourite fairy tale, in association with Waterstone’s. Is it Beauty and the Beast or Jack and the Beanstalk? The Three Little Pigs or Three Billy Goats Gruff? Cinderella or Thumbelina – or one of the hundreds of other fairy tales that have charmed both children and adults for centuries?
The winning fairy tale will be announced at the Hay Festival, whose title sponsor is the Telegraph, in May, and Morpurgo will then write a brand new version of the story, which will be published as an illustrated picture book in 2012.
And who will illustrate the book? Well, that’s where we come in. The Telegraph and Waterstone’s want to find a new illustrator to work with Morpurgo on his book.
Full details of the competition, Picture This, will be announced in The Daily Telegraph in May, but aspiring artists should start practising their castles, princesses, trolls and fairies now.
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