It's St. Valentine's month and Wildcard Weekend on "American Idol 2 Rewind"! - Graphic by ABeautifulMind
Clay Triumphs on 'AI2 Rewind'
Fans Celebrate Wildcard Week
I have a 30-minute drive to and from the academy where I teach music lessons on Mondays and Fridays; and I often use the down time to catch up with my MIL, an ex-officio member of the Clay Nation.
For the past two weeks, my seemingly terminal bout of laryngitis has played havoc with these conversations because I have either been trying to save my voice or, on the backside of the teaching day, had nothing left.
Knock on wood, I think I turned the corner this week; so I dialed MIL on Friday afternoon's return trip.
After catching up on our favorite Kai, MIL asked, "So what's happening with Clay?" An earful summary of the singer-actor's first two weeks in the Broadway show "Spamalot" ensued, followed by this weekend's big event - not the Super Bowl, but Wildcard Night" on American Idol Rewind 2!
The promo for AI2's "Wildcard Night" has graced the airwaves several times this week. If you missed the plug for the Saturday-Sunday telecast, here is a Sendspace download: Wildcard Promo.
Check your local listings for the telecast time. In my area, Time-Warner carries the show twice. CA fans everywhere can relive the singer's triumphant return to Idol with a new "fly look" and the same glorious voice singing "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me." Clay also continues his narrating gig in this edition.
Wildcard Remembered Annually
Wildcard Night has been celebrated by CA fans every year since 2003. Here are two commemoration collages by Fountaindawg from previous annual remembrances.
Clickable Wildcard graphics by Fountaindawg
Set your VCR, DVR, Tivo, or whatnot. Following Saturday's airing, there will be video downloads in clack vaults everywhere - maybe even right here!
ADD: Since Saturday's telecast has aired, here are clips from Clay's portions of the show: Wildcard and Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me.TBAF Raises $25k in Challenge
Even though The Bubel/Aiken Foundation did not qualify for a $50,000 grant in January's Parade Magazine Challenge, supporters helped raise $25,000, according to Aron Hall, Director of Services. Here is an excerpt from his TBAF post.
Thanks to your support we were able to raise over $25,000. We are unofficially in 6th place - official results will be announced on or about February 21. Due to your efforts we will be able to provide at least 2 summer camps that are opening their doors to being inclusive.
The four US-based charities that received the most donations ($10 minimum) will receive a $50,000 grant from the Case Foundation and coverage Parade Magazine.
PHOTO INTERLUDE: Featured in this clickable collection are graphics by Amazing_CA, Sally, and two February desktop calendars by Cindilu2.
CD Listing Tops Groundhog Report
According Groundhog reports on Saturday morning, we apparently are in for six more weeks of winter -- that is if we are taking the word of a rodent.The fact that a new Clay Aiken audio CD is now listed on has the Internet fan community buzzing. No title, no date -- but there it is: New Release - 2008. Check it out!
Clay Nation graphic artists will also keep us warm -- or at least turn our thoughts to more pleasant topics with their special designs.
Amazing_CA and Ashes2 did just that for me this week with Valentines featuring my favorite fellows.
Friday I emailed family and friends a couple of grandson Kai's Valentine graphics with a link to "his" Photobucket. OK, so there were three!!!
My former editor, also a good friend, responded, "You are so funnnnyyyy! Tell your daughter to make a note in the baby book that you sent the Valentines on Feb. 1, GRANNY!!!"
Guilty as charged, LOL!
Below is a clickable of ABeautifulMind's opening graphic:
Have a wonderful weekend, Clay Nation! Happy Valentine's Day ... early!
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