FIND YOUR GRAIL -- Clay Aiken is Sir Robin in the Broadway show "Spamalot." Graphic by Cindilu2.
LAP & LACIE in Charge
Clay Fans Tuned into 'Spamalot'
Not only are Clay Aiken message boards enjoying after-the-show recaps, but intermission cell phone reports are keeping fans back home in the know as they check off the days before their own trips to New York to see their favorite singer in "Spamalot."
LAP (laptop): So what do you think of that lead, Lace? I don't usually have to write these things; I just punch out the words.
LACIE (external hard drive): Not bad, Lap. You think we should get this show on the road?
LAP: In case y'all are wondering what happened to Caro, she is lost in a labyrinth of links, trying to solve the new Textism codes for the OFC blogging community.
LACIE: That and cheering the Tar Heels to victory in Saturday's basketball game! HEEE!!!!!
LAP: So we're jumping in here before the three-day routine takes a nosedive.
LACIE: We do seem to have a few fans who get excited when we handle an entry from time to time.
LAP: Nothing like the "HE BLOGGED!!!" lightning rod excitement resounding through the message boards when Clay drops by, mind you; but we seem to have a following.
LACIE: Maybe Caro, Ashes2, Lisa1068, and Galadriel will have figured out the Textism lingo by the time we are finished. For some reason, the format that is supposed to be so simple is tougher than HTML.
LAP: I think they have adopted this motto from Buddha: "Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it."
LACIE: That sure sounds like the Textism Gang, working with all their hearts trying out codes in comments and blogs. For fan club members, their findings are assembled in the second post of the Forum for Bloggers 2 on the OFC message board. Here are some links if anyone wants to join the task force:
Nature Work
Koders Code Search
Textile Threshold
Textile Reference Manual
Hofstra Chronicle Reviews Clay
LAP: Meanwhile, we'd better apply a little Buddha to this blog. This week the Hofstra Chronicle online posted a bit of a "Spamalot" review: Clay Aiken Joins 'Spamalot' Cast.
LACIE: A Variety sales update shows "Spamalot" with a hefty box office boost:David Hyde Pierce has been replaced by someone just as recognizable, if not more: "American Idol" runner-up Clay Aiken, making his Broadway debut. His part isn't very large (he plays Sir Robin, among other roles), but for him, they've added verses of songs here and there, as well as a number of lines.
He sings well (unsurprisingly), is a solid dancer (the "Fiddler on the Roof"-inspired "You Won't Succeed on Broadway if You Don't Have Any Jews" is a show-stopping highlight) and nails almost all of the jokes.
LAP: We're bookin' through Caro's notes. What else do we have, LACE?Broadway began to shake off the winter doldrums last week, with sales rising for most shows on the boards. Nice six-figure boosts were seen at "Monty Python's Spamalot" ($623,348) ...
Touring Sir Robin Blogs About Clay
LACIE: Dating all the way back to Jan. 20, here is a blog entry about Singer Man's Sir Robin role on Broadway, Feat of Clay, written by James Beaman, a professional actor currently playing the same part with the US touring company.
LAP: This is just part of Beaman's blog, but the entire entry is a great read:
Okay, so how, you may ask, do I feel about Clay Aiken playing the role of Sir Robin on Broadway? First, let me say that there is a definite buzz about it around the theatre here for sure ... [snip]
While it surely has not been lost on the producers of our show that Clay will be good for business during the slow months of this, the third year of the Broadway run, I also know the creative team are people with integrity and very high standards.
I am sure that Clay had a very strenuous rehearsal process and that every aspect of his performance was worked on and guided by expert hands. Reading the interviews with Clay, and hearing about his aching muscles and exhaustion, all I could think was, brother, I feel you!!
LAP: For my sidekick and all you other female fans in a constant fog, here comes the Clay interlude.
PHOTO INTERLUDE -- Featured in this clickable interlude are recent stage door photos from Shubert Alley by NoFancyClothes, 1; Butterflyshine, 2; Toni7babe, 3 and 5; and Invisible926, 4.
Walk the Walk with TBAF Socks
LACIE: (fanning self) Whew, my engine is smoking. I doubt I'm good for much more.
LAP: Sheesh, Lace! You're just like all female CA fans. We have an important announcement from OFC member Rosaratana about a fundraising project for The Bubel/Aiken Foundation, so rev back down.
Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk in these white anklet socks embroidered with TBAF!
Why wear Nike or Adidas when you can wear CLAY?
The selection of "Peds" anklet socks can be purchased with "CLAY" embroidered in black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or burgundy in women's sizes 4-10. Embroidery thread colors for the white anklet "TBAF" socks include black, teal, and lime.
Coordinated by Rosa Shurtz, the fundraiser, which began on Feb. 1, runs through June 15. All proceeds benefit the Foundation. For more information and to place an order for either or both style stocks, contact Rosa at the Aiken4Clay website.
LACIE: You know I have to have one of each -- TBAF and CLAY -- wrapped around me. I do have an ankle, don't I?
LAP: Watch it, girl; this is a PG-13 blog. Gear down that hard drive.
LACIE: So many colors to choose from. Definitely one of each!
Yo, message from Kai's Crib! - Graphic by Sally
AIR Features Movie Music
LAP: Grandson Kai, five months old on Sunday, says to remind you not to miss this weekend's American Idol 2 Rewind, live or via download. The theme for the Saturday-Sunday show is "Music from the Movies" and features guest judge Gladys Knight. Even Simon was nice!
LACIE: Singer Man (sigh!) performed Somewhere Out There, one of Caro's favorite songs. That's the first time Kai's grandma saw Clay on Idol, and she voted double-fisted from then on.
LAP: That night Gladys Knight said to Clay, "There is something magical about your voice ... something exceptional is going to happen to you."
LACIE: And, you know, she was right!
LAP: That's it for us. Hope we've entertained and informed.
LACIE: Below is a clickable wallpaper of Cindilu2's opening graphic:

Have a wonderful week, Clay Nation!
RELATED TAGS: Clay Aiken, Spamalot, Broadway, Hofstra Chronicle, Variety, James Beaman, The Bubel/Aiken Foundation, Aiken4Clay Embroidered Sock Project, American Idol, American Idol 2 Rewind, Textisms, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
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