FREEDOM FEST - Graphic by Amazing_CA, photos by Farouche.
Clay Aiken Fans Welcome July
As Canada and the USA celebrate national birthdays this week, Clay Aiken fans will also include a rewind to Independence Day 2007 when the singer launched the 20-city Summer Symphony Tour at Freedom Fest in Frisco, TX.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In Philadelphia on July 4, 1776, the United States of America On was born as the Second Continental Congress adopted the final draft of the Declaration of Independence.
President John Adams said the Fourth of July should be celebrated with, among other events, "pomp, parade, games, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other.
Taking President Adams at his word, link to Fireworks Pop by clicking on the photo below where you can create your own "illuminations" in the sky above Lady Liberty with your mouse. Linking fireworks show below compliments of Claystruck.
Originally "Dominion Day," July 1 officially became Canada Day in 1982; and today Canadians commemorate their country's heritage, history, and achievements from coast to coast. Graphics for Canada Day and the new month's calendar are by Amazing_CA, 1; cindilu2, 2 and 4; and Fountaindawg, 3. Wide screen versions of the calendar blends are available at cindilu2's Yuku page.
One of the most cherished pieces of clack occurred during the "stump the band" segment at the Toronto Jukebox Tour Concert when Clay sang an a capella version of O Canada. The performance, uploaded by Ashes2isme, can be viewed in the player below or at YouTube.
Clay Sings 'O Canada' at the Toronto Jukebox Tour Concert.
Fans Recall 2007 Frisco Festivities
For CA fans, Independence Day will forevermore be associated with the 2007 Freedom Fest in Frisco, TX, opening performance of the summer tour also known as Soft Rock Hard Place. The festivities included food, fun, fireworks and a "hawt" Clay Aiken Concert.
Anniversaries of events from Clay's singing career are marked in various fashions. Last year, xxx4clay reminisced about July 4, 2007, and then posed the question to her online friends: "Where were you a year ago today?"
A host of memories were shared not only by those who endured every degree of the humid, 90-plus temps in the Frisco soccer stadium, but also those who listened via cellstream in air-conditioned comfort. Beginning with xxx4clay, here are a some of the Independence Day 2007 recollections:
Prior to this concert, we knew very little about what Clay would sing although the speculators amongst us had run amok with their possible scenarios. That afternoon someone had listened to the rehearsal and some of that info had drifted back to us but still, the lack of knowledge just added to the excitement.
Finally, finally, finally, Clay entered the stage singing “Here You Come Again.” There really are no words to describe what I felt at that moment. It was beyond exciting. Beyond mesmerizing. And he was soooo close. That crowd let loose with a collective squeal that I can still hear to this day.
All those heat related miseries just disappeared when Clay showed his face and I never gave it another minute's thought until the concert was over. There’s just something about the first concert of the tour and not knowing everything that’s gonna happen that makes it very, very special.
These response represent a cross-section of those who gathered in Texas and the many who listened from afar on Independence Day 2007:
IRISHBOOKGAL: Right here with my headphones on listening to a beautiful voice that gives me goose bumps.
SMARTYPANTSSUZ: Glued to my computer drinking in every morsel I could through the cellstream and recaps. What a night!
JCLAY: Basking in the afterglow of my very first Meet & Greet. It was the first of the "sit down with all of you and talk for 1/2 hour" variety.
WINDSTAR2: I was also in Frisco right in the middle of the screaming teenagers. What a great night that was to be with fellow Clay friends, to see Clay again live in concert and in TEXAS!
ANAMERIAIKENINTX: I'd bet anything the Frisco temperature was pushing 100 before the humidity was factored in! The weather was terrible. I forgot all about it, too, while Clay was with us.
PLAYBILLER: Deep in the heart of Texas!
PHOTO INTERLUDE: From seasons past, the fandom's visual artists have created clickable patriotic graphics for this week's fireworks. Included are designs by A Beautiful Mind, photo by Invisible926, 1; Ashes, 2; Amazing_CA, photos by Farouche, 3; and CLAYPERFECT, 4.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend, Clay Nation!
Clickable by Cotton
Clickable by Fountaindawg
Clickable by Amazing_CA
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