IN ALL THINGS LOVE -- Animated graphic by cindilu2.
On Humanitarian Stage
Clay Aiken Makes a Difference
We came for the voice, but stayed for the man.
Since bursting onto the national stage in 2003, Clay Aiken has generated far-reaching degrees of the global influence that can accompany an entertainer's career. With an expanded platform and larger classroom, the teacher-turned singer is making a difference and so are his fans.
Not all celebrities choose to use their influence in humanitarian ways to benefit others. However, within a couple of months after his American Idol season, Clay co-founded The Bubel/Aiken Foundation, whose mission of inclusion serves to bridge the gap between young people with special needs and the world around them.
In 2008, TBAF celebrated its five-year anniversary, having touched thousands of children through more than 35 programs across the country. Fundraising totals and 2009 accomplishments will be focal points of the Oct. 17 Champions of Change Gala in Raleigh, NC.
Global Commitment with UNICEF
Clay's commitment to the education and health needs of children went worldwide when he was appointed a UNICEF Ambassador in 2004.
Everyone deserves the best start in life, which is what UNICEF is working to provide the world's most vulnerable children.
Education is essential to a child's development. I hope that as an Ambassador I can encourage people to join UNICEF's mission to make education a reality for children throughout the world. - Clay Aiken
Since then, he has visited several countries, including Indonesia three months after the devastating 2005 tsunami; UNICEF-supported shelters in northern Uganda; health centers and schools in Afghanistan; flood-ravaged states in Mexico; and conflict-worn northwest Somalia.
Following each mission, the singer relays through field blogs and media interviews his observations of an area's circumstances and the difference UNICEF makes. His fans have become supporters of UNICEF projects, helping to raise, for example, "$100,000 in 10 Days" to provide lifesaving programs for Afghanistan.
"We came for the voice and stayed for the man" long ago became a mantra of CA fans. There is nothing more handsome nor heartwarming than this incredible singer involved in the humanitarian projects that are so much a part of him.
Looking good? Oh, yeah!
PHOTO INTERLUDE: In this clickable collection, graphic artists have captured some of Clay Aiken's humanitarian endeavors with UNICEF. Represented are Clayquebec1, photo by Invisible926, 1; A Beautiful Mind, 2; AmazingCA, 3 and 4; and Claystruck, 5.
At a Clay Aiken message board this week, members were asked what they thought the singer's signature song should be. The pop hit "Invisible" and "This Is the Night," his AI2 single, were among those named.
I was in the group that immediately thought of "Measure of a Man," title track from the first mainstream album. Below is gerwhisp's 2007 montage that shows the Measure of a Man named Clay.
Measure of a Man (UNICEF) - Montage by gerwhisp
Other blogs featuring various aspects of "Clay Aiken Looking Good" include:
Clay Aiken News Network
All That Is Clay Aiken
Chexxxy's Pearls
Clay Aiken Journey
Clay-The Man
Shyeyewitness and Friends
Something That Really Happened
Hope you'll visit all. Have an awesome weekend, Clay Nation!
TECHNORATI TAGS: Clay Aiken, humanitarian, American Idol, The Bubel/Aiken Foundation, UNICEF Ambassador, Official Fan Club, Clay Nation
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