DWTS Season 9 Viennese Waltz - Sacrificial Love
Clay Aiken montage by LovesClaysVoice
Waltzing to 'Sacrificial Love'
Montages Team Clay, DWTS
For years, montage makers have deemed Clay Aiken songs and ABC's popular "Dancing With the Stars" a perfect match, teaming vocals by the North Carolina singer with video clips from the hit show's current and past seasons.
In the opening montage, LovesClaysVoice merged DWTS Season 9 couples and their Viennese Waltz competition with Sacrificial Love, a track from Clay's On My Way Here CD.
DWTS montages using Clay's song stylings span his career from the 2003 Measure of a Man album to On My Way Here in 2008 to a special single release, "Just You." This list represents countless DWTS montages at YouTube, and you are welcome to offer others in your comments:
Following a brief fundraising commercial, EIDN is cued to run in the player below.Something About Us - Apolo Ohno and Julianne Hough: The Reunion by sallyboo8892 (OMWH)
Touch - Apolo and Julianne from DWTS by Aspiegirl (MOAM)
Sacrificial Love - DWTS Season 6 Viennese Waltz by musicg57 (OMWH)Just You - DWTS Season 8, Final 5, montage by LovesClaysVoice (single)
Everything I Don't Need - DWTS Season 8, Final 3, montage by LovesClaysVoice (OMWH)When You Say You Loved Me - DWTS Season 9, montage by LovesClaysVoice (MOAM)
Fans Gather Giveaway Votes
It's time for all CA supporters to reel in more votes for the National Inclusion Project in the Christie Cookie Charity Giveaway. At the conclusion of the contest, 11:59 p.m. CST Oct. 15, the winner and runner-up will be awarded $10,000 and $5,000, respectively, with the next 10 charities receiving $1,000 each.
Currently in a tight race for first place, the charity co-founded by Clay and Diane Bubel in 2003 needs to continue accumulating votes to compete for the bigger prizes. The top five charities are:
National Inclusion Project Raleigh, NC
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Lenexa, KS
Young Singers Foundation Tulsa, OK
Child Advocacy Center Murfreesboro, TN
Ronald McDonald House Winston-Salem, NC
Link to the Christie Cookie website by clicking on the image above or with this voting link. Select the National Inclusion Project from the drop-down menu, and enter nominations with all of your legitimate US e-mail addresses. [NOTE: AOL, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail users are allowed multiple e-mail addresses.]
Compose an e-mail recruiting those in your circle to support the Inclusion Project by doing the same. Include links to the Charity Giveaway, plus the National Inclusion Project and SueRue's Open Arms montage at YouTube for explanations of the foundation's mission and projects. The montage is also an excellent addition to Facebook and other websites.
Updated results are available on the giveaway site, as are a variety of web logos/banners for Facebook, MySpace, etc., and signs/fliers to download, print, and distribute. Be sure to add "National Inclusion Project, Raleigh, NC" to the signs.
As promised, here are the final three couples from DWTS Season 8 whirling to Clay's "Everything I Don't Need":
DWTS Season 8 Final 3 - Everything I Don't Need
Clay Aiken montage by LovesClaysVoice
Let's keep those votes whirling for the National Inclusion Project in the charity giveaway. Have a wonderful week, Clay Nation!
TECHNORATI TAGS: Clay Aiken, Dancing with the Stars, On My Way Here, Sacrificial Love, montage, Everything I Don't Need, Christie Cookie Charity Giveaway, National Inclusion Project, Clayonline, Clay Nation
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