See Heather Tomlinson on Tor Blog

Heather Tomlinson will be a regular (semi-regular? guest? I didn't clarify) blogger on for the next several weeks writing about fairy tales as she promotes her new book, Toads and Diamonds, set for a March 30th release date.

Her first post was published today at YA Fairy Tale Fiction by Heather Tomlinson. Here's a quote:

For a genre with roots in a centuries-old oral tradition, fairy tales have proven notably flexible. Like polymer modeling clay, the material is easy to work with and the sophistication of the results limited only by the crafter’s skill and imagination. Some young adult writers bring traditional lore into a modern setting. Others revisit darker elements that popular culture has tended to leave out, whether in the name of protecting vulnerable young people, or not offending the parents who pay good money for adorable princess merchandise.

Head on over to the site to read the rest...

Also consider preordering Heather's new book, too. I am thrilled she is exploring Diamonds and Toads myself. I just finished a new article on the tale for the next issue of Faerie Magazine and am surprised that one of the tales with the most variants in the world--perhaps even more than Cinderella--has been interpreted so rarely by authors. This tale deserves to have its renaissance just like Twelve Dancing Princesses and East of the Sun and West of the Moon have had over recent years.

I'll also give Heather and Toads and Diamonds a full write-up closer to release date.


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