I don't know much about Marianne Stokes as an illustrator, but I love this illustration for Snow White by her, titled Snow White in Her Glass Coffin is Mourned by the Dwarfs. I've seen this image appear elsewhere on the web, but seldom with an artist credit. So I wanted to share it here with full credit after I discovered in on Art.com (where prints are also available of it). The original is apparently available in the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum in Cologne.
Marianna Stokes was a well-respected Victorian artist, influenced by the Pre-Raphaelites. An image search of her name on Google will result in many beautiful images of her work. Especially look for The Young Girl and Death and Aucassin and Nicolette.
There is also a larger image of this painting available on Wikipedia, but I preferred the one pictured above since the one on Wikipedia has too much red saturation and needs to be color corrected.
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