I'm going to do a few quick posts to catch up on stuff I failed to post last week. Here's the first:
The Guardian (UK) had a very negative response to the new trailer for Red Riding Hood. See Red Riding Hood trailer: life in the hood ain't so Grimm for a breakdown.
Fairytales have always played a vital function, offering strict morality lessons that help to mould each generation of children into well-developed adults. However, now that they're primarily being used to sell subscriptions to satellite television companies, there's a real danger they may soon be a thing of the past.
Hmmm, narrow view of fairy tales, but not surprising. But most of the attack is based on the Twilight
Not that I'm excited about the movie either, mind you. It does look rather silly so far... And so far the blogosphere agrees. This one will be somewhat dueling with Beastly, so that will be an interesting match up.
And in case you missed it when I posted it several days ago, here it is again:
And here's the Beastly trailer again while we're here:
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