Tangled is up for preorder as Tangled (Four-Disc Combo: Blu-ray 3D/Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy)
I'm still curious to see what the fallout for Tangled will be--in other words what its final gross will be and how soon Disney will seek to make another fairy tale despite public announcements to the contrary. This past week, it passed the mother test--my mother that is. She saw it and enjoyed it despite all misgivings--she is not a fairy tale person at all although she enjoys a good romantic comedy which Tangled certainly is.
And speaking of Tangled even more, I enjoyed Meg Cabot's take on the film as well as Princess Leia on her blog this past week. Read it at The Princess Thing. It made me laugh, especially when she reminded me of my own obsession with Princess Leia back in the day as well as another favorite part of Tangled I forgot to add to my original list, the back and forth emotions of elation and guilt when Rapunzel finally left the tower despite her "mother's" wishes.
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