The Three Billy Goats Gruff illustrated by Paul Galdone

The Three Billy Goats Gruff The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Folk Tale Classics)

The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Folk Tale Classics) illustrated by Paul Galdone is apparently one of several of Galdone's fairy tales slated for new hardcover editions this year. His paperbacks haven't been out of print recently, but the books are getting new packaging in hardcover. I own several of the paperbacks and I don't know how these new editions will be much different. The covers are beautiful. That's about all I can see so far.

For today's picture book I thought I would share my favorite Galdone fairy tale, The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Folk Tale Classics). Galdone is apparently a favorite with many kids and their grown-ups, but I tend to be somewhat neutral on his body of work because I am torn at times both ways. One librarian I worked with many years ago rather detested his fairy tale illustrations and preferred that I pick other illustrated editions as I revamped the fairy tale collections. (That was a much harder job than one would imagine since I was always afraid of playing favorites or going overboard and thus probably was too conservative, believe it or not. It was like trying not to play favorite child with a limited budget.) There are some like Billy Goats for which I have great affection and others that I have too many other versions I prefer. Galdone is definitely intended for a certain taste.

Now for the pictures:


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