The newest edition of Goblin Fruit is out with serendipitous timing for this blog's Fairy Tale Poetry Week.
Goblin Market is an online zine and publishes strictly poetry, mostly inspired by fairy tales, myths, folklore and fantasy. I won't list the entire contents of the new issue here, but be sure to read "Ever After Variations" by Seanan McGuire. McGuire has grown in fame recently with the success of her first novel, Rosemary and Rue: An October Daye Novel, which was just followed by the second in the series, A Local Habitation.
Be sure to explore the archives, too, for there are many gems to be discovered there.
PS: The zine's name is inspired by one of the most famous fantasy poems from the Victorian era, The Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti. The poem is too long to publish here today, so I am just providing the link. You can read more about the poem on Wikipedia.
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