Books such as Fairy Tales on Trial
I am sharing a list of some of the best titles to use for inspiration. I also occasionally highlight new articles about mock trials or similarly themed plays. I've found they are especially popular this time of year through the summer where several summer camps also use mock trials to teach students. It's a great and fun concept.
And here's some more books:
"Advanced" Fairy Tales on Trial:
Book description:
Students discover a unique way to determine the fine line between doing wrong and crime. They study character education by doing - using fairy tales and simulating investigation and trials. The activities challenge students as they use all language arts skills: critical reading, analytical thinking and writing, speaking and drama.
Use with the entire class, choosing an appropriate case by its complexity and appropriate level of challenge. The class creates all elements of a case and presents the case to another class, who becomes the jury. All roles are clearly described. Enrichment educators can use the cases with small groups of gifted and talented children.
Parents will enjoy helping their children practice their roles, gather props, and create costumes. The confidence their children gain in their reading, thinking and speaking skills will be well received.
Engage students in cooperative teamwork to create each case, to work as prosecution and defense teams, as well as to deliberate and make decisions. These same skills are goals of the U.S. Department of Education. They are also workplace objectives.
Jury Trials in the Classroom:
Book description:
Transform your classroom into a courtroom and get ready for students to take part in a great learning adventure. The six trial simulations in this book let students delve into criminal and civil law with motivating cases that mirror situations in fairy tales, nursery rhymes, literature, and history. In the roles of attorneys, members of the jury, defendants, witnesses, and courtroom personnel, students prepare and conduct cases. They will learn to use statements of fact and witness affidavits to determine guilt or innocence. The book is divided into three sections that:
define the types of courts in the U.S. court system;
explain how to carry out a mock trial;
and give six ready-to-use court cases, including all necessary documents.
The court cases allow students to understand both criminal and civil trials, with three types of each case. The cases allow you to stage trials involving Hansel and Gretel, John Wilkes Booth, Little Miss Muffet, Romeo and Juliet, Jack and Jill, and Little Red Riding Hood.
Don't miss this opportunity to teach critical thinking and teach students how to weigh opposing points of view. The exciting results will motivate students to exercise their reasoning skills, polish their communication skills, and apply knowledge of the legal system. This will become one of your favorite classroom adventures. Grades 5–8.
More Jury Trials in the Classroom
For reference, I have a slightly longer list including these titles and more at Fairy Tales in the Classroom: Justice and Law on Amazon.
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