Today's offering for Fairy Tale Poetry Week in honor of National Poetry Month:
by Louis Untermeyer 1885–1977)
Let down your hair,
That cloudy-gold lure,
The delicate snare
That holds me secure.
Delight and despair
War with me now--
Let down your hair.
Shake out each curl
Swiftly, and be
Like Spring, a wild girl
With her hair flying free.
Bury me there,
And be buried with me...
Let down your hair!
from The New Adam (1920)
Louis Untermeyer was an American poet and anthologist, best known for his work as an anthologist.
See a list of more Rapunzel poems at Modern Interpretations of Rapunzel. See the left hand column for links to full text poems.
For a list of fairy tale themed poetry collections, I have a Fairy Tale Poetry list on Amazon. There are also many poems scattered throughout the SurLaLune website...
The illustration is by A. H. Watson.
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