May has been rather crazy here in Nashville with the floods as well as my own personal disasters, such as plumbing and ceiling repairs and a computer that required replacing. I could write an entire entry on my adventures with computers this month and what I have learned. I'm a PC girl although we are a dual platform family so I can work well enough with both. I am a computer geek but not enough of one to mess with Linux and others. I got a Windows 7 machine which has been my easiest transition ever to a new computer--and so far the commercials are right, Windows 7
I also must recommend the easy transfer cable
I was fortunate and didn't lose anything from my computer although it was a near miss on a few days worth of files--I back up regularly--but I am finally going to use an online backup system, probably Mozy which appears to best suit my needs after much research. After my experiences and what I have witnessed, I can encourage all of you to backup regularly. Most of the houses in Nashville that were flooded were not in the flood plains and this was a completely unexpected natural disaster with little more warning than an earthquake. My home and neighborhood was spared but thousands were not. Back up your stuff! Preferably away from your home and workplace. External hard drives are nice, but they still usually reside near your computers and are just as susceptible to loss, especially in a natural disaster. I have an archivist's heart and have been trained in disaster preparation and recovery. I am devastated by how much was lost in a few short hours which could have been avoided with a little work. Don't let it happen to you!
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