If you page down the left column of this blog--I know it's cluttered, but that's the nature of these things--you will find a link to SurLaLune's page on Facebook. I have created the page and set it up so that it will import the entries from this blog. So if you prefer to follow SurLaLune through Facebook you now have that option, one that has been requested by more than one of my readers here.
I'll admit I'm not a Facebook fan--one of the reasons I've been delaying creating a page--for many reasons I will not detail here. Okay, time drain, usability and interface design are near the top of the list but not all of it, although I admire its networking power. This is your chance to change my mind if you are an avid Facebook user. My husband is one and so are many of my friends, but you may succeed where they have not.
Let the experiment begin!
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