Today is my birthday and so I am feeling quite indulgent with myself. So today is about me. Since it is also Saturday, I am sure most of you are too busy to care if I veer away from the usual fairy tale related stuff, at least slightly.
A few months ago on my husband's birthday, we went exploring the toy aisles at Target. John and I think birthdays and holiday gifts are more fun if a toy is involved. Well, that day John chose more Magnetix to add to his collection, but I discovered a toy I fell in love with: Mighty World Search for the Lost Mummy.
I have a very amateur interest in archaeology--how could anyone interested in folklore not? I also devoured my fair share of Elizabeth Peters books starting with Crocodile on the Sandbank (Amelia Peabody, Book 1)
back the in day which I admit I picked up after adoring Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw in my early adolescent years. (These days I much prefer her Greensleeves which remains a regular reread.) I still have a report I wrote on the Great Pyramids in 7th grade. I used my mother's college text books to write the report and felt so mature doing so. Anyway, archaeology, especially the quintessential Egyptian variety, entertains me.
I won't admit if I am getting that playset pictured above for my toy birthday gift, but I had to go explore to see if there are more cool toys I would have enjoyed as a kid, but was born too early to fully enjoy. There are. Here are some of the best:
Admit it, don't you wish you could be a kid again just to play with these? I don't ever wish to be a kid again. I like being a grown-up very well, thank you, but I do wish I had the ability to play with abandon with toys like these.
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